Clean Energy Program

The Clean Energy Program (or CLEP) is part of the Community Enhancement Program, which can be downloaded here. The CLEP provides financial contributions towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community.

Revised in 2016 following feedback from applicants, the CLEP began operation on 1st September 2016.

If you haven’t applied for the program yet, then we invite you to get involved. Under Stage 1 of the program, if you are eligible, you will receive an energy audit of your house and a $150 Bunnings Goulburn voucher to purchase small items to assist in improving energy efficiency in your home. Under Stage 2 of the program, eligible residents will be able to apply for a grant of up to $8,370* to make energy efficiency improvements to their house. This might include installation of a solar hot water service, a solar PV system, wall insulation or better insulated windows.

You will find more information on the CLEP in the documents linked below.

We recommend you first read the Clean Energy Program Brochure which provides an overview of the program.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries about the program or require assistance with submitting an application.

Applications for the next Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22 March 2025.


Information about Stage 2 – Multiple applications for a single property

Until December 2024, the Program Guidelines stipulated that an eligible resident could only apply for either Stage 2A (Solar Reimbursement Package) or Stage 2B (Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Package) once per property. This guideline was recently reviewed by the Energy Committee, who governs the program, with a decision made to allow multiple applications to ensure that the full value of the CLEP is provided to eligible local residents.

The update to allow multiple applications per property will be reviewed again in January 2026, after which time it may be determined that the CLEP guidelines may need to be updated.

We aim to ensure that the distribution of available funds for the CLEP are maximised for eligible residents, and as such the 2025 CLEP Guidelines outline the application assessment process as well as the prioritisation criteria should the CLEP find itself needing to implement a waitlist for Stage 2 applications.

Please see below for key documents that will assist you with the CLEP.

Must read documents:

Additional information:

Historical documents:

2016 Update

Prior to the 2016 Update


The Clean Energy Program is a part of the Community Enhancement Program (CEP) approved under condition 5.6 of the wind farm’s Development Approval. The CEP document is a binding document between the wind farm and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. Information included in the other documents is provided for your convenience, but should any information conflict, the CEP document remains the binding commitment with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.



* The Target Allocation Value increases with inflation, according to CPI (Sydney All Groups) with a baseline of Quarter 3 2015, which had a value of 108.6. The baseline Target Allocation Value in 2016 was $6500. The 2025 value is calculated using the CPI value for Quarter 3 2024, which was 139.8. The Target Allocation Value has been rounded up to the nearest $10. The Target Allocation Value will next be updated to account for inflation in January 2026, based on CPI (Sydney All Groups) Quarter 3 data for 2025.