News Archive

26 March 2025

Applications for the latest round of grants from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund now open

The 2025-2026 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund is now open for applications and will close at 5:00pm on Friday, 9th of May 2025. Applications can be made via Upper Lachlan Shire Council.

The Community Fund provides financial support to community groups and initiatives that benefit the lives of residents living within 10km of the wind farm.

More information on the Community Fund, including this year’s guidelines and application form, can be found on the Upper Lachlan Shire Council website here.


18 March 2025

Welcoming visitors to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

The Gullen Range Wind Farm team recently had the privilege of hosting the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mayor and Councillors for a tour of our wind and solar farm. The Mayor and Councillors were provided with an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the scale of the turbines and how this technology is transforming our energy landscape. As part of the tour, we provided information on the wind and solar farm’s construction and day-to-day operation and provided the opportunity to step inside the base of a turbine. The group then travelled to Gullen Solar Farm to see how the existing infrastructure was used to expand our clean energy operations and create Australia’s first co-located solar farm. 

The following day, the team had the pleasure of welcoming 18 visitors to the wind and solar farm for our first public tour of the year. All of the guests were eager to learn more about renewable energy, including a number of children whose curiosity and insightful questions about how the turbines work and their impact on the environment were greatly appreciated. The group were also able to see a wind turbine up close, as well as take a look at our solar farm. It was inspiring to see their enthusiasm. The engagement reinforced the importance of educating future generations on the benefits of clean energy and how projects like Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm can benefit not only the local community but wider society. 

It was a great way to start 2025, with two energetic, highly engaged tours. The team is looking forward to hosting more public tours over the course of the year as we aim to demonstrate the potential of renewable energy in action to a wide audience. If you’re interested in joining a public tour, please keep an eye on our website for more information and for updates as dates are locked in. If you would like to be added to our tour waitlist, please email us at [email protected]  


26 February 2025

A rolling good time at Goulburn Rose Tournament Triples competition

The annual Rose Tournament Men’s and Women’s Triples competition was recently hosted by the Goulburn Bowling Club, with Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm once again proudly supporting the event.

Welcoming teams from across the state, the Rose Tournament has become a fixture in the local lawn bowls community calendar, with over $4,000 in prize money up for grabs.

Games are played across two days each for the men’s and women’s tournaments, culminating with presentation ceremonies that were attended by wind and solar farm Site Manager, Andrew Sinclair.

It was wonderful to see another great turn out at this year’s tournament. We congratulate all of the teams who walked away with a win this year, and we look forward to further supporting this fantastic local event in the years to come.

Above: Site Manager Andrew Sinclair with the men’s and women’s Rose Tournament winners


19 February 2025

Clean Energy Program now accepting multiple applications for eligible properties

Gullen Range Wind Farm’s popular Clean Energy Program (CLEP) is now accepting multiple applications for eligible properties, following a review of the Program at the end of 2024.

Under the guidelines for the CLEP, the rule around multiple applications per eligible property was to be reviewed every two years. To ensure that the full value of the CLEP is provided to local residents, a decision was made to open up to multiple applications to allow eligible residents to make further energy efficiency improvements to their property.

As part of its annual update, the target allocation value, or grant value, was also updated in alignment with CPI to $8,370 per grant in Year 11 of the Program (2025).

The CLEP was introduced in 2016 as part of the wind farm’s Community Enhancement Program, providing financial contributions towards clean energy improvements to properties within 5km of the wind farm. To date, more than 90 properties have been approved for Stage 2 funding under the Program.

Community Relations Manager, Erin Fletcher said that the Program was just one of the ways the company sought to share the benefits of the wind farm with residents.

“Our Clean Energy Program has been very popular since its introduction in 2016, and we’ve been proud to provide funding that has helped to make tangible energy efficiency improvements to properties near to the wind farm.

“The program has also provided residents with information on ways that they can make changes to their property to make their homes more energy efficient through Stage 1 of the program which arranges for an energy audit of the property.

“This has empowered residents to make updates to their property and energy usage to help not only reduce costs but to maximise the energy efficiency of their home or business.

“We look forward to further assisting residents with the introduction of multiple applications.”

Applications for the latest round of Stage 2 CLEP funding are now being accepted, with the round closing on 22 March 2025.

More information on the CLEP can be found here. Full guidelines around the Program, including eligibility requirements and assessment procedure can be found here.

Should you have any questions about the Program or require assistance with an application, please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 509 711.



12 February 2025

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm proud to support the Crookwell Show for another year

During a weekend of unpredictable weather, representatives from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm attended the annual Crookwell Show on 8-9 February. Celebrating its 146th year, the Show is a fantastic event offering locals and visitors the chance to enjoy a true country show with sheep and cattle judging, wood chop competitions and music amongst other family-friendly activities.

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm has been attending the show for several years, sponsoring a facepainting stall that always proves popular with the kids. This year, the wind and solar farm took gold coin donations for the Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre, with all funds raised being dollar matched by the company. This meant that an impressive $600 will be donated to this essential local service, which provides social support and children’s services.

Community Relations Manager, Erin Fletcher, said that this year’s event provided a good opportunity to talk about renewable energy with visitors.

“The Crookwell Show is something that our team look forward to each year, and it once again provided a chance for us to chat with locals and visitors to the region about renewable energy. It also gave us the opportunity to answer questions about Gullen Range Wind Farm’s community benefit programs, such as the Clean Energy Program.

“Of course, the face painting is always popular with families, and it was wonderful to see so many kids excited to get into the show spirit. We’re proud that we’ve been able to raise funds for the Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre to support their great work.”





11 February 2025

Date for next public tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm announced

We are pleased to announce that the next public tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm will take place on Wednesday, 12th of March 2025.

This is a great chance to learn more about renewable energy and to see an operational wind and solar farm up close. More information on our tours can be found here.

To make a booking, please visit here.



20 December 2024

Merry Christmas from BJCE Australia

From all of us at BJCE Australia, we wish you and your family a safe, joyous Christmas and a happy New Year.

During the festive season, our office will be closed from 21 December 2024 to 5 January 2025 inclusive.

You can still contact us via email and we will respond after we return on 6 January 2025. If you require more immediate assistance, please phone our toll-free numbers below.

  • Biala Wind Farm – 1800 370 045
  • Gullen Range Wind Farm – 1800 509 711
  • Gullen Solar Farm – 1800 725 270

If there is an emergency, please dial 000.


20 December 2024

December Community Newsletter

The December edition of our community newsletter is now available for download here.


10 December 2024

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 09 April 2025, from 4 pm. For more information click here.


05 December 2024

Clean Energy Program funding round closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program (CLEP) will close on 22 December 2024.

The CLEP provides financial contributions for clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the Gullen Range Wind Farm.

Stage 1 of the Program provides for an energy efficiency expert to conduct an audit of an eligible residence, and can be applied for at any time. Once Stage 1 has been completed, eligible residences can apply for Stage 2 funding, with grants available for energy efficiency improvements to a property. In 2024, funding of up to $8,130 per eligible property is available.

Further information on the CLEP can be found here. Should you have any queries or require assistance with an application, please contact us on [email protected] or 1800 509 711.


31 October 2024

Gullen Range Wind Farm welcomes Crookwell High students

Year 8 students from Crookwell High School visited Gullen Range Wind Farm on 30 October to undertake a site tour. The group were given an introduction to the wind farm substation for an understanding of how energy is generated and distributed to the grid, as well as having the chance to check out the safety equipment used by our site team.

The students then had the opportunity to get up close to a turbine and gain insights into how the turbines operate. All of the students (and teachers) marvelled at size and scale of the structures.

Finally, the group toured to Gullen Range Solar Farm to learn about the country’s first ever co-located solar farm.

It was great to see so many students engaged in deepening their understanding of the renewable energy industry, and to have the chance to share more about our day-to-day work at the wind farm.

Crookwell High students had the opportunity to get up close to a wind turbine on their tour.

26 September 2024

RFS familiarisation tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and Biala Wind Farm

Local Rural Fire Service (RFS) station representatives will be visiting Biala and Gullen Range Wind Farms, as well as Gullen Solar Farm, on Friday, 27th of September. This is an annual exercise to ensure that local RFS services are familiar with the wind and solar farms’, access points and water sources to prepare for the coming fire season.

RFS trucks from stations at Crookwell, Bannister, Grabben Gullen and Biala will meet at the Biala Wind Farm entrance before driving through the internal access roads across both wind farm sites. We will also be hosting a BBQ lunch with the representatives to allow for an opportunity to further discuss bushfire preparedness.


29 August 2024

Clean Energy Program funding round closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program (CLEP) will close on 22 September 2024.

The Clean Energy Program provides financial contributions for clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the Gullen Range Wind Farm.

Stage 1 of the Program provides for an energy efficiency expert to conduct an audit of an eligible residence, and can be applied for at any time. Once Stage 1 has been completed, eligible residences can apply for Stage 2 funding, with grants available for energy efficiency improvements to a property. In 2024, funding up to $8,130 per eligible property is available.

Further information on the CLEP can be found here. Should you have any queries or require assistance with an application, please contact us on [email protected] or 1800 509 711.


29 August 2024

Gullen Range Wind Farm proud to support the local community through 2024/25 Community Fund

Successful recipients of the 2024/25 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund have been announced, with six local groups receiving support for initiatives ranging from publicly accessible defibrillators for the Crookwell community to improvements to a new machinery shed for the local golf course maintenance association.

The grants were assessed by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved in the June 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

More than $60,000 was provided in funding across the successful applications this year, which included:

Rotary Club of Crookwell: Defibrillators for Crookwell ($4,900, plus a commitment of up to an additional $5,000 to cover maintenance costs for five years)

Bannister District Hall Association: A Hall for All – Storage and Maintenance ($2,164.80)

Anglican Church (Parish of Crookwell), St George’s Church, Kialla: Fencing works ($7,222,60)

Goulburn Crookwell Heritage Railway: Procurement of a 40-foot shipping container ($5,400)

Goulburn Crookwell Heritage Railway: Relocation of Pay Bus FP12 ($1,320)

Crookwell Golf Course Maintenance Association Inc: New Machinery Shed ($40,000)


23 August 2024

Gullen Range helps to inspire a future in STEM for local students

Gullen Range Wind Farm representatives attended the “Keep Local and Build a Future in STEM” event at Mulwaree High School on 20-21 August, with more than 80 students working in groups to complete various challenges. The event is designed to encourage high school students to not only consider a career in STEM, but to explore some of the fantastic job opportunities in the field in the local area.

Gullen Range Site Manager Andrew Sinclair talked students through his career path into renewable energy, as well as some of the diverse opportunities for employment in the construction and operation of wind farms in the local area. Students were then tasked with a STEM challenge – to build the most efficient wind turbine. Using blades of differing lengths, weights and angles, students worked together to test out various designs to come up with the best model. With stiff competition from all of the schools across the two days, it was great to see the students so engaged! Crookwell High narrowly came out on top with a late entry that managed to deliver the highest voltage design.

Thank you to the Department of Education’s Regional Industry Education Partnerships team who helped to organise and facilitate such a wonderful and engaging STEM event.


20 June 2024

June Community Newsletter

The June 2024 Community Update is now available to read and download here.


18 June 2024

Book your FREE tour ticket and visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array at our next public tour. The next tour will be held on Wednesday, 9 October 2024 from 11 am. To book your free ticket click here.


24 May 2024

UPDATE: Turbine checks following earthquake at Taralga

Inspections of wind turbines at Biala and Gullen Range Wind Farms have now been completed, with no issues found following the earthquake on Thursday morning.


23 May 2024

Turbine checks following earthquake at Taralga

Following this morning’s earthquake, our teams have enacted our emergency response plans, which includes inspecting all turbine foundation bolts, tower bolts and the general condition of each turbine. We expect the inspections to be completed within the next 48 hours. Our wind turbines are built to withstand events such as this and inspections are undertaken as a best practice and precautionary measure. Once they have been completed we will provide an update to the community.


16 May 2024

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 October 2024 from 4 pm. For more information click here.


14 May 2024

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program (CLEP) will close on 22 June 2024.

The Clean Energy Program provides financial contributions for clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the Gullen Range Wind Farm.

Stage 1 of the Program provides for an energy efficiency expert to conduct an audit of an eligible residence. Once Stage 1 has been completed, eligible residences can apply for Stage 2 funding, with grants available for energy efficiency improvements to a property.

Further information on the CLEP can be found here. Should you have any queries or require assistance with an application, please contact us on [email protected] or 1800 509 711.


15 April 2024

Biala Wind Farm To Host FREE Community Fund Think Tank

On Sunday 28th of April, Biala Wind Farm will host a Community Fund Think Tank at the Grabben Gullen Hall aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge of the Biala Wind Farm Community Fund.

The Think Tank will provide an opportunity for the community to learn more about what projects the Fund can support and is aimed at generating innovative big-picture project ideas that will deliver the greatest benefit to the local community for years to come.

The Biala Wind Farm Community Fund aims to support and benefit the community through projects and initiatives submitted by local groups within 20km of a wind turbine on the Biala Wind Farm.

Karl Schubert, Head of Corporate Affairs & Investor Relations said: “The 2024 Biala Wind Farm Community Fund will open in the coming months and we want to ensure the entire community has a chance to understand what the Fund can support and how the community can participate.

“Projects supported by the Fund come from ideas and submissions from the local community, which is why we’ve decided to host the free Think Tank and provide information on how the fund operates, what types  of projects can be supported and how members of the community can apply.

“We’ve also enlisted the support of the Crookwell Lions Club, who will provide a free BBQ lunch to ensure discussions don’t happen on an empty stomach.

“The Think Tank is free to attend and I am looking forward to meeting with a wide array of local residents, sporting clubs and community groups to discuss how we can support projects that will enhance the local community for years and possibly generations to come.”

In 2023, Biala Wind Farm conducted a survey to gain a deeper understanding of what the community in and around Grabben Gullen believe could be developed to enhance village life and improve community facilities.

Almost 78% of respondents ranked digital connectivity as a significant issue, with the top four priorities being:

  • Digital connectivity
  • General community facilities
  • Enhanced livability
  • Tourism or travel initiatives/infrastructure

Several of the suggestions put forward in the open-ended responses indicated there is scope for local groups to apply to the Community Fund for projects that would be widely welcomed by residents. These included a children’s playground and beautifying the streetscapes, while the need for upgraded community facilities in the Grabben Gullen village was also a popular response.

In 2023, five local projects were awarded over $140,000 from the Biala Wind Farm Community Fund:

  • Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. – Community Film Screening event
  • Gunning District Landcare – Planting the Next Generation of Paddock Trees
  • Crookwell Senior Citizens Club – Seniors Solar Sun Sense – Solar Panel installation
  • Crookwell Memorial Hall – Solar Panels on the Roof of Crookwell Memorial Hall
  • Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. – Supporting Grazing Practices to Grow Local Resilience

The Community Fund Think Tank will kick-off at 11:30am at the Grabben Gullen Hall. To register for this FREE event, please visit or call 0429 614 297. Community groups and residents who are unable to attend can submit questions ahead of the Think Tank by phone or email at [email protected].


15 March 2024

Book your FREE tour ticket and visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array at our next public tour. The next tour will be held on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 from 11 am. To book your free ticket click here.


14 March 2024

Responding to the Climate Change Challenge – International delegates visit Gullen Range Wind Farm

Gullen Range Wind Farm recently hosted a group of 20 senior staff and mid-career professionals representing Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand as part of a two-week Mekong-Australia Partnership masterclass called Responding to the Climate Change Challenge.

Jointly organised by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The University of Queensland, the group were visiting Australia to take part in a number of briefings, academic classes and site visits to learn more about the key issues of climate change and disaster resilience.

The opportunity to visit a wind farm in Australia was considered an invaluable component of the program which aims to support Mekong subregional partner countries to achieve their development goals through education and knowledge transfer.  The program also hopes to build enduring relationships that advance mutual interests and our collective efforts to combat climate change and foster sustainable development between Australia and the Mekong region.

While the group were visiting Canberra, they made a stop on a chilly Monday, 4th of March at Gullen Range Wind Farm where BJCE’s Lachlan Lamberton, Andrew Sinclair and Erin Fletcher, along with Goldwind Site Technicians provided a detailed introduction to the construction and operation of a wind farm, as well as an overview of the Australian energy market.

The group of very engaged delegates enthusiastically asked a range of questions to deepen their understanding of wind energy generation and wind farm operations while also learning more about how these projects co-exist with local communities and how the government supports their development in Australia.

Following the Q&A session at the operations building, the group got the chance to see a turbine up close, with all marvelling at the sheer scale and height while enjoying the view over the hills towards Bannister and Crookwell.


13 March 2024

Grant applications are now OPEN for the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund

In 2024, approximately $90,000 is available for projects or initiatives benefiting the community within 10km of the wind farm. Applications for the latest round of funding will close on 26 April 2024. Further information, including how to apply, is available from the Upper Lachlan Shire Council website. To read more about our Community Enhancement Fund click here.


8 March 2024

Gullen Range Wind Farm raises funds for local men’s mental health at the 145th Crookwell Show last month

In February, Gullen Range Wind Farm supported the 145th Annual Crookwell Show as a Red Ribbon Sponsor.

It’s the sixth year the wind farm has supported one of Crookwell’s biggest community events, which  once again saw the Company sponsor the face-painting stall, helping to raise funds for local charity, The Crookwell Man Walk.

The stall again proved to be one of the most popular at the Show for locals and visitors alike with BJCE Australia matching the funds raised, delivering The Crookwell Man Walk a total of $400 to their worthy cause.

Manbassador for Crookwell and Grabben Gullen local, Chris Wilson said, “I was delighted to be selected as this  year’s fundraising recipient. In just two years, we have achieved over 103 mental health walks for men, investing more than 17,000 hours putting one foot forward.”

“Men are known for bottling things up and on our walks, we can talk about what’s going on and get  fit at the same time. Blokes make up an average seven out of every nine suicides every single day in Australia.”

“Thank you to Gullen Range Wind Farm, the smallest of donation can go toward a lot of things. It  means a lot to all of us to be recognised and supported”, Chris said.

The stall also provided show attendees with information about BJCE’s three local renewable energy  projects: Gullen Range Wind Farm, Gullen Solar Farm and Biala Wind Farm.

Highlights of the Show this year included a reptile show, a petting zoo and a rock-climbing wall and of course the arts, craft and cooking entries in the Pavilion.

Beijing Energy’s Head of Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations, Karl Schubert said BJCE was proud to have again had the chance to sponsor the Crookwell show and support a worthy local charity.

“We have always enjoyed attending and supporting the Crookwell Show, which is a highlight on the local calendar.” Mr Schubert said.

“Being able to engage with the local community, provide a fun activity for the kids to enjoy and raise  funds for a worthy charity is a weekend very well spent.

The issue of mental health, especially among men in rural and regional Australia is an important one and we hope the funds we helped raise will continue the great work The Crookwell Man Walk does in the region.”


7 March 2024

Bowled over by fabulous Goulburn Rose Tournament Triples event

The Goulburn Bowling Club recently welcomed teams and players from all over New South Wales to compete in the prestigious, four-day Goulburn Rose Tournament Triples competition.

Cheryle Corby, Goulburn Bowling Club’s senior vice president said she was delighted with this year’s event which went off without a hitch.

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm is a long term and proud sponsor of this popular event.

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm’s Head of Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations, Mr Karl Schubert congratulated the committee on delivering another successful tournament.

“It has been a pleasure to once again support the Goulburn Rose Tournament and I’d like to extend a sincere thanks and congratulations to all who participated and helped make the event successful,” Mr Schubert said.

“We look forward to continuing to support the event in future years.”

Wayne Gallimore and Ken Hill established the Rose Tournament as a men’s bowls competition in 1995. It has been enthusiastically managed ever since by a committee of dedicated volunteers, supported by local sponsors.


4 March 2023

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Friday 22 March. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


22 February 2024

Gullen Range Wind Farm welcomes the Hon. Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy to site

In early February, Gullen Range Wind Farm welcomed the Hon. Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, alongside Australia’s Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, Andrew Dyer for the release of the Commissioner’s Community Engagement Review. The Minister and Commissioner were joined by our longtime neighbour and friend, Ken Ikin, as well as National Farmer’s Federation Chief Executive, Tony Mahar and Farmer’s For Climate Action representative, Peter Holding.

Beijing Energy has always had a strong focus on ensuring our engagements with the community are authentic, respectful and meaningful. This was acknowledged in 2018 when we were one of only three finalists in the National Business Community Engagement Award for our co-located Gullen Range Wind Farm Clean Energy Program. In that same year, we reinforced our commitment to genuine and respectful community engagement by becoming a founding signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter for Renewable Energy Developments. The charter is a voluntary set of commitments that reflects our desire to advance and develop projects in a socially responsible way. It demonstrates our commitment to engaging respectfully with the communities in which we plan and operate projects, being sensitive to environmental and cultural values, and making a positive contribution to the regions in which we operate.

The opportunity to host the Minister and Commissioner for the release of the report further underlined our commitment to community engagement and we welcome the key recommendations the report delivered. It was also an opportunity for Ken to talk to the media about his experience and how good, genuine community engagement can enhance a project’s standing in the region and deliver better outcomes for everyone.

We remain committed to finding ways to improve our operations and community engagement efforts across all of our projects in Australia and the Government’s review provides clear guidelines on how we can continue to work towards best practice, delivering genuine benefits to local communities and regions.


24 January 2024

Gullen Range Wind Farm sponsors Crookwell Public School’s Year 6 Presentation Day Prizes for Applied Science and Mathematics

Gullen Range Wind Farm was proud to sponsor Crookwell Public School’s Year 6 Presentation Day Prizes for Applied Science and Mathematics in December. Congratulations go to Liam Moloney, who won the Applied Science Award and Kenzi Fowler who won the Consistent Effort Award in Mathematics.

“Australia’s energy transition presents huge opportunities for the next generation to work in the exciting renewable energy industry”, says Karl Schubert, Head of Corporate Affairs and Investor Relations. “Building students interest and excitement in STEM subjects will go a long way to supporting the next generation of engineers, scientists and renewable energy workers that will drive Australia’s push to a renewable and sustainable future. We’re proud to be doing our part in supporting the students at Crookwell Public School and hope that these awards inspire others to explore the wonderful world of science and math.”

Crookwell Public School Principal, Michael Whittington said, “The Gullen Range Wind Farm’s consistent support of Crookwell Public School is greatly valued and appreciated.”


24 January 2024

Book your FREE tour ticket and visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array at our next public tour. The next tour will be held on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 at 11 am. To book your FREE ticket, please click here. To learn more about our tours click here.


18 January 2024

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Friday 22 March 2024.

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Friday 22 March 2024. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


22 December 2023

December Community Newsletter

December 2023 Community Update is now available to read and download here.


21 December 2023

Merry Christmas from BJCE Australia

Everyone at BJCE Australia would like to wish you and your family a safe, merry holiday period and a happy new year. During the festive season, our office will be closed from 23 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 inclusive.

You can still contact us and we will respond to your emails after we return on 8 January 2024. If you need more immediate assistance, please phone our toll-free numbers. If there is an emergency, please dial 000.

  • Biala Wind Farm – 1800 370 045
  • Gullen Range Wind Farm – 1800 509 711
  • Gullen Solar Farm – 1800 725 270


18 December 2023

Crookwell Bombers powers to 2023 Turbine Cup win

Crookwell has taken out the 2023 Turbine Cup outclassing 14 other teams to be crowned winners of the hotly fought after trophy.

Run over three weekends in spring, the 18-game tournament was considered a huge success by tournament organisers and participants alike, with the tournament’s presentation evening held on Tuesday 21 November.

The 14 teams entered from three clubs – Goulburn, Crookwell and Taralga – played a fast and fierce round robin competition, with close matches throughout the competition.

The Bombers, from Crookwell, took out the ultimate prize with a final tally of 1,218 points, closely followed by The Amigos, from Goulburn, with 1,139 points. Coming in third was the GNR team from Taralga with 1,095 points, while the next five teams were separated by less than 30 points from GNR.
Gullen Range Wind Farm proudly sponsored the creation of the Turbine Cup and supported this year’s event with funding through their community partnerships program. Site Managers Andrew Sinclair and Simon Zhao attended the awards night and presented the trophy to the Crookwell team, with the pair noting that the comradery amongst the competing teams summed up the great community spirit in which the tournament was played.

Amigo team from Goulburn – second place winners

The Bombers team from Crookwell won this year’s Turbine Cup


1 December 2023

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Friday 22 December. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


11 November 2023

Goulburn Rotary Club Visits Gullen Range

Goulburn Rotary Club toured the Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm earlier this month.

This was a much-anticipated visit for the Rotarians who first travelled to Crookwell for morning tea before boarding the tour bus. The weather was close to perfect for the tour and provided ideal conditions for getting up close to the wind turbines. The turbine operations were explained in detail and several visitors even climbed up the steps to inspect one of the structures from the inside.

The tour group continued to the site office where they were able to view the monitoring and operations room, before moving on to the Solar Farm.

The tour ended back in Crookwell where more questions were answered while the group enjoyed a light lunch before departing.

If you’d like information about tours of our Wind and Solar Farms, click here.

4 November 2023

Jobs of the future on show at Crookwell High Careers Day

Our team from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and Biala Wind Farm were pleased to attend the Crookwell High School Careers Day on Friday the 3rd of November. It proved an excellent opportunity for our team to chat with and encourage students of all ages to consider taking STEM subjects in their senior years at school and think about the broad range of careers available to them in the renewable energy sector. Students were encouraged to ask questions to learn more about the careers that were available in the sector.

The team also shared information about our local projects, using display boards to demonstrate how energy is generated, explain how we care for the local environment and contribute to a variety of community initiatives.

With Australia’s renewable energy and emissions targets driving the development of even more renewable energy projects into the future, these students are the next generation of Australia’s renewable energy workforce.

24 October 2023

Crookwell High Careers Expo – an opportunity to discover STEM

Team members from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and Biala Wind Farm are looking forward to attending the Crookwell High School Careers Day on the 3rd of November. This will be a great opportunity for students to learn about the possible career opportunities in the renewable energy sector.


03 October 2023

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 30 April 2024 from 4pm at the Bannister Hall. For more information click here.


11 September 2023

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Friday 22 September. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


06 September 2023

Book your FREE tour ticket and visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array at our next public tour. The next tour will be held on Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 11am. To book your FREE ticket, please click here. To learn more about our tours click here.


25 August 2023

August public tour at Gullen Range proves very popular

Public tours of the wind and solar farms at Gullen Range restarted this year, following the COVID period, and they are again proving very popular.

The August tour was fully booked, with a diverse group of people enthusiastic about taking part. Some had travelled from as far afield as Sydney and Nowra for this chance to get up close and personal with a wind turbine and learn more about clean energy production.

The group gathered for coffee and a background briefing in Crookwell before boarding the bus.  Asset Manager, Leo Pearce, provided an overview of BJCE’s local energy projects and answered wide ranging questions on route to the wind farm.


Sharing his decade of experience, Goldwind’s site technician, Darren, provided an abundance of information about the wind farm’s operations, while participants enjoyed the glorious sunshine. and extensive views from the Pom 1 turbine.

The next stop was the site office, where tour goers were fascinated to see the substation and the weather, turbine and energy monitoring equipment at work.


The bus then completed a circuit of the solar farm, stopping for photographs, before continuing back into Crookwell. The return trip was an opportunity to discuss the community fund, education and sponsorship programs BJCE runs in the district.

A light lunch concluded the tour with all agreeing it had been a very worthwhile morning.

The next free public tour will take place in October, with the date to be announced soon. If you are interested in joining a wind and solar farm tour, please register here.


31 July 2023

Seven Groups Share in Gullen Range Fund 2023/24 Community Fund

Seven community groups in the Upper Lachlan Shire will benefit from a combined $72,399.54 in grants from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund for 2023. The grants were assessed by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved in the June 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

The grants will help to fund the following projects:

  • Anglican Church Parish – St Bartholomew’s Church – $24,847 for the supply and installation of solar panels
  • Anglican Church Parish – St George’s Church – $7,282 for removal of dangerous trees
  • The Australian Agricultural Centre – $10,000 for the Sheep Week 2023 event
  • Breadalbane Hall Committee – $1,000 for a stick vacuum cleaner
  • International Women’s Day 2024 – $3,500 for a Women in Agriculture event
  • Southern Tablelands Group 12 – $14,549.54 for iPads for the RFS officers
  • Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. – $11,121 for building biodiversity skills


26 July 2023

July Community Newsletter

July 2023 Community Update is now available to read and download here. ←


25 July 2023

Biala Wind Farm cheers the Crookwell Devils on at the Annual Sponsors Day

Last Sunday, Biala Wind Farm Asset Manager Lachlan Lamberton and Gullen Range Wind Farm Gustavo Siqueira attended the Crookwell Devils Sponsor Day at the Crookwell Memorial Oval. The She Devils had a win against the Bungendore Tigers 20-12 and the Senior Devils played in a Grand Final rematch against the Tigers and come away with a win 26-14. Well done Devils!


10 July 2023

Seven groups share in Gullen Range Wind Fund 2023/24 Community Fund funding

Seven community groups in the Upper Lachlan Shire will benefit from a combined $72,399.54 in funding from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund for 2023.

The grants were assessed by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved in the June 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Gullen Range Wind Farm owner and operator BJCE Australia supports the Fund with an annual financial contribution to local communities.

The grants will help to fund the following projects

  • Anglican Church Parish of Crookwell – St Bartholomew’s Church – $24,847
  • Anglican Church Parish of Crookwell – St George’s Church – $7,282
  • The Australian Agricultural Centre –  $10,000
  • Breadalbane Hall Committee – $1,000
  • International Women’s Day 2023 – $3,500
  • Southern Tablelands Group 12 – $14,549.54
  • Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. – $11,121

Upper Lachlan Shire Council CEO Alex Waldron said, “The Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm.”

“The Wind Farm Grants make a significant contribution to their local communities in the shire,” she said.

“It is very pleasing to see such a diverse group of projects being assisted by the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund in the 2023 grants.”


19 June 2023

Book your FREE tour ticket and visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array at our next public tour. The next tour will be held on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 11am. To book your FREE ticket, please click here. To learn more about our tours click here.


31 May 2023

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Thursday 22 June. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


11 May 2023

May Community Newsletter

May 2023 Community Update is now available to read and download here.


06 April 2023

Applications for the 2023/24 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund are now OPEN

Upper Lachlan Shire Council advises that the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund funding round is open for applications and will close at 5.00 pm on Friday 12 May 2023.
The Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund aims to support initiatives that strengthen the local community through projects that contribute to neighbouring communities within 10 kms of the wind farm.

Applications may be submitted by post to: PO Box 42, GUNNING  NSW  2581 or emailed to [email protected]. For further information please contact Upper Lachlan Shire Council via email [email protected] or phone 4830 1000.


10 March 2023

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Wednesday 22 March. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


28 February 2023

BJCE Australia is a proud Red Ribbon sponsor of the 2023 Crookwell Show

Gullen Range Wind Farm was proud to be a Red Ribbon sponsor of this year’s Crookwell Show. In spite of the heat, our face painter brightened lots of faces with the proceeds donated to the local Rural Fire Service. We answered a lot of good questions about our projects, our renewable energy tours and Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Clean Energy Program, as well as general queries about renewable energy. We always enjoy the show and would like to say thank you to everybody who visited to our stand for a chat.


27 February 2023

2023 Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm Tours announced

BJCE Australia is excited to offer tours of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm. Come and see how it works. Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array. Find out more about renewable energy. The next tour will be held on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at 11am. To book your FREE ticket, please click here. To learn more about our tours click here.

09 February 2023

Biala Wind Farm back as a 2023 Major Sponsor of the Crookwell Green Devils

Biala Wind Farm is delighted to be a 2023 Major Sponsor of the Crookwell Green Devils senior league team. Fingers crossed the boys have the same success as last year and bring home the Premiership Shield.


24 January 2023

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held in March from 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information click here.

22 December 2022

Merry Christmas from BJCE Australia

BJCE Australia wishes everybody a Merry Christmas. Thanks for your support throughout 2022. We’ve not been out in the community as much this year as we used to be before the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are looking forward to turning that around in 2023, with our wind farm tours and school visits planned to recommence.

Our office will be closing for the festive season from December 23rd until January 3rd.

Our 1800 lines and info email addresses will be monitored as normal, but we will only respond to urgent messages during this time. As a reminder, at any time of year, if there is an emergency relating to the wind farm, please call 000.


16 December 2022

December Community Newsletter

December 2022 Community Update is now available to read and download here.


13 December 2022

BJCE supports Meals on Wheels 2022 Christmas Hamper drive

BJCE is proud to contribute to Crookwell Meals on Wheels 2022 Christmas Hamper drive. 20 residents will receive a Christmas hamper filled with delicious goodies from Crookwell IGA. Meals on Wheels President, Greg Seaman said, “Crookwell Meals on Wheels is extremely thankful for the support received over the years from the Biala Wind Farm, our clients look forward to receiving their Christmas Hampers each year on Christmas Eve.”


07 December 2022

BJCE Australia sponsors 2022 Binda Community Carols

BJCE Australia is delighted to return as a sponsor of the 2022 Binda Community Carols. A not-for-profit event run by the Anglican Parish of Binda, the Carols will be held this Saturday, 10 November, in Binda. BJCE Australia wishes the residents of Binda and surrounds a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


06 December 2022

Applications for the Clean Energy Program closing soon

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program close on Wednesday 22 December. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


11 November 2022

Powerful Owl Update

Gullen Range Wind Farm prepares an Annual Environmental Management Report every year for the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE).  While preparing the 2021 report, BJCE became aware of errors in the automatic control system for Powerful Owl restrictions which had failed to shut down wind turbines as required. Gullen Range Wind Farm proactively advised the DPIE of this error and implemented measures to prevent this error from reoccurring in the future. The DPIE has issued the wind farm operator, Goldwind Australia, with a fine for non-compliance. BJCE, owner of Gullen Range Wind Farm, has since made a donation to WIRES. For more information please visit


07 November 2022

Quarterly community newsletters

To read and download BJCE’s quarterly community newsletters click here.


07 September 2022

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd September. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


28 July 2022

Successful Community Fund projects revealed

Five projects at popular venues in the Upper Lachlan Shire will be the latest to benefit from Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Community Fund.

Wind farm owner BJCE Australia will contribute $70,000 to the fund this year. With more than $30,000 carried over from last year, a sizeable sum was on offer for local not-for-profit groups to share.

From eight applications, these five groups were successful this time round:

  • Crookwell District Tennis Association for a project to improve the well-used courts
  • Grabben Gullen Hall for plans to install a new path to improve disabled access
  • Breadalbane Hall for new doors to improve access
  • Bannister District Hall for new gates to boost child safety
  • Pat Cullen Reserve – recommended for partial funding for additional picnic shelters

The fund is open to community groups seeking support for projects and initiatives within 10km of the wind farm.

Derek Powell, BJCE Australia’s Deputy Managing Director, said: “We were very pleased to see so many excellent applications from across the eligible area arrive this year and very grateful to the efforts of the community volunteers who helped decide which should be supported.

“It’s great to see such valuable local initiatives benefit directly from the generation of safe, clean, renewable electricity from the Gullen Range turbines and we look forward to seeing even more creative and exciting applications in the years to come.”

The fund is administered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council. Deputy Mayor Mandy McDonald chaired the committee which assessed the applications.

She said: “Our shire is fortunate to have so many local volunteers working hard in their spare time for their local communities.

“I’m extremely proud that Council plays a crucial role in supporting these volunteers by working with the renewable energy projects across the shire on grant programs like this.”

The committee’s recommendations were endorsed by Council on 21 July.

The fund will run throughout the wind farm’s operational life. Since its inception in 2015, the fund has made 45 grants to local groups.


20 June 2022

Out of hours work completed

Work to replace components in four turbines has now been completed. Thank you to our neighbours for their patience while this essential work was carried out.


13 June 2022

Clean Energy Program funding window closing soon

The latest round of funding for the Clean Energy Program closes on Wednesday 22 June. Under the program, eligible local residents living within 5km of the wind farm can apply for grants  to support the installation of clean energy improvements to their properties. More information is available under the community and grants section.


6 May 2022

Out of hours work

A crane is scheduled to arrive on site next week to enable essential components to be replaced at four turbines, as mentioned in our latest newsletter. This is expected to involve work outside normal working hours, including weekends. Depending on the weather, we expect the work to take up to five weeks to complete.


11 March 2022

Clean Energy Program

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program will close on Tuesday 22 March. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


4 March 2022

March Quarterly Community Newsletter

March 2022 Quarterly Community Update now available to read and download here.


1 March 2022

Community Fund open for applications

Not-for-profit groups within 10km of the turbines can now submit applications to the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund.

Around $100,000 is available for community organisations to share this year. The closing date is Friday 1 April.

Guidelines and an application form can be found at Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s website.


24 December 2021

December Quarterly Community Newsletter

December 2021 Quarterly Community Update now available to read and download here.


24 December 2021

Christmas contact details

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm would like to wish you a safe, merry Christmas and a happy new year. During the festive period, our office will be closed from 24 December to 4 January inclusive. You can still contact us but we will respond to your emails and letters after we return. If you need more immediate assistance, please phone our toll-free number on 1800 509 711 (leave a message and we’ll call you back). If there is an emergency, please dial 000.


6 December 2021

Clean Energy Program

Applications for the next round of the Clean Energy Program will close on Wednesday 22 December. The Program provides financial contributions to support the installation of clean energy improvements to eligible properties within 5km of the wind farm. More information is available under the community and grants section.


11 November, 2021

Next CCC meeting announced

The next meeting of the Community Consultative Committee will be held at Crookwell CWA meeting rooms on Wednesday 8 December . The meeting will start at 5.30pm. For more information, please click here.


October 11, 2021

October Quarterly Community Newsletter

October 2021 Quarterly Community Update now available to read and download here.


August 26, 2021

TransGrid maintenance

Blades will not be rotating for most of today. This is due to TransGrid maintenance. We expect the wind farm to be operating as normal this evening.


August 20, 2021

Applications open for Clean Energy Program

The next round of applications for the Clean Energy Program closes on Wednesday, 22 September. More than 75 properties within 5km of the Gullen Range turbines have taken advantage of the program so far to install solar panels or improve insulation. The Clean Energy Program will run throughout the wind farm’s operating life.


August 12, 2021

Outage at wind farm

Turbines have been switched off today to allow installation and testing of new data systems. Once testing has been completed to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s satisfaction, turbines will be brought back back into service.

We expect the wind farm to be fully back in action over the weekend.


August 4, 2021

Latest Community Fund recipients revealed

Three local organisations are the latest to benefit from the wind farm’s Community Fund.

Crookwell Rugby Club won support from the committee, made up of local people alongside Upper Lachlan Council representatives, for their project to repair the commentary box at the town’s Memorial Oval.

Crookwell Lions Club will put the money towards two shipping containers to help store the club’s vital fundraising equipment in one convenient location.

Support from the fund will also allow Bannister District Hall Association to continue their program of renovation to upgrade the hall.

We are looking forward to hearing more about all these projects as they take shape.

More than $70,000 is available every year to groups within 10km of the turbines. More information is available and anyone can contact us to discuss the fund at [email protected]


July 27, 2021

COVID-19 update

Due to COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney we have limited access to our mailbox to retrieve posted items. If you have Clean Energy Program forms or any other material to send, please email us at [email protected]

You can also call us on 1800 509711. We hope to be back in the office soon.


June 23, 2021

CCC meeting postponed

The CCC meeting scheduled for Wednesday 23rd of June has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon. For more information, please click here.


June 22, 2021

You might notice that turbines won’t be spinning for most of the day on Friday. This is due to routine maintenance work on the high voltage substation. We expect everything to be back to normal from around 4pm.


June 16, 2021

Wind farm goes back to school

Upper Lachlan students found out more about career opportunities in the fast-growing renewable energy sector today.
Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Community Engagement Officer Dr Isabel Nelson dropped into Crookwell High School as part of the STEM Industry School Partnership Program.
Isabel talked about the wide range of potential careers on offer, explained the technology that drives the renewables industry and how STEM skills learned in the classroom are linked to real world uses, such as developing and operating clean power generators.
Crookwell High School students were joined by youngsters from Binda, Bigga, Laggan and Crookwell Public Schoolsand also showcased their problem-solving skills by designing and building catapults and dragsters using only material provided.
Isabel reported that she was extremely impressed with the creative thinking on display.
BJCE Australia is proud to have been an Industry Partner for the SISP program since it started in 2018. We were thrilled to be able to return to the classroom and are looking forward to our next visit.

Isabel with Felicity Abbey from Crookwell High School’s Science department


June 2, 2021

Applications closing soon for Clean Energy Program

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on Tuesday, 22 June. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


May 18, 2021

Substation maintenance

Turbine blades will not be turning on Wednesday, 19 May. That’s because routine maintenance work will be underway on the high voltage substation. We expect normal service to be resumed on Thursday and do not anticipate any impact on our neighbours.


April 21, 2021

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 from 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information click here.


April 19, 2021

BJCE Australia kicks off a new season with Crookwell Junior Green Devils

BJCE’s Gullen Range Wind Farm is delighted to be a long-term supporter of the Crookwell Junior Green Devils. Under a partnership which commenced in 2019, Gullen Range Wind Farm is one of the major sponsors of Crookwell Junior Green Devils Rugby League Club. In 2020, the rugby league season was suspended due to COVID-19. Training for the 2021 season is now underway. BJCE wishes the Junior Green Devils all the best for their games, which will hopefully deliver a 2021 season win for Crookwell. The 2021 season will start later this month.


April 6, 2021

Bowled over by another impressive Rose Tournament.

Every year the Rose Tournament competition showcases some of the best bowlers in the State and 2021 was no exception. Gullen Range Wind Farm was proud to be a major sponsor of the February tournament at the Goulburn Railway Bowling Club for the fifth consecutive year. Simon Zhao from Gullen Range was honoured to attend the award ceremony and present a number of trophies in both men and women events. The winners of the women’s event were from Bomaderry, the runners up and third placegetters were both teams from Merrylands. The winners in the men’s event was a combined team from Goulburn and Bargo and the runners up, and third placegetters were teams from Sydney. Well done to all the winners! BJCE Australia’s Gullen Range Wind Farm congratulates Goulburn Railway Bowling Club for delivering a very successful event.


March 5, 2021

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on Monday, 22nd March. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


February 23, 2021

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Tuesday, 31st March 2021 from 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information click here.


February 23, 2021

Free Workshop to assist community groups applying to our Community Fund

The 2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round is now open.The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. It forms part of the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program (or CEP).  The Community Fund is administered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council (ULSC). The Guidelines and application forms are available on the ULSC webpage here.  In the last Funding Round, five local groups benefited from Community Fund grants totalling more than $65,000. Successful projects funded included banner flags and a marquee for the Crookwell Potato Festival, the refurbishment of Bannister District Hall Association’s community hall and a rock wall entrance to Pat Cullen Reserve. This year, $73,754 has been made available for the Community Fund.

We are arranging a free workshop to assist with preparing grant applications. The workshop is aimed at community groups who intend to apply and would like some guidance about how to prepare a grant application. The workshop will be held on Tuesday 16th March 2021 at the Crookwell RSL Services Club from 5.30pm. To register click here.

These workshops have been held for the past three years, coinciding with the period when applications to the fund are being received by Upper Lachlan Shire Council. Previous attendees have found the session very useful, but attendance is not compulsory. The workshop is conducted by our consultant independently of our involvement as part of the Section 355 committee that determines successful applicants. If you want to find out more about the Community Fund or the Community Fund Workshop, please click here.


February 22, 2021

Artrageously good! Gunning all set for 2021 Festival

BJCE Australia’s Biala and Gullen Range Wind Farms are delighted to be a Gold sponsor of the 2021 community-led Gunning Arts Festival. This year, the ‘rejuvenation’-themed Festival will feature a strong line-up of both online and face-to-face events, including play and story readings, music performances, arts/craft workshops, competitions, an art exhibition and much more. Leading up to the main 2-day event in October, you’ll also be treated to smaller events that will be held throughout the year. For further information, please visit the 2021 Gunning Arts Festival website here.

Don’t forget that you can already contribute to the Festival showcase FlashWrite project! You are welcome to submit a story up to 1500 words that embodies local life experiences of the Southern Tablelands. FlashWrite is open to all ages and the closing date has been extended to 5pm on Friday, 30th July. For more details, please visit the FlashWrite Project page by clicking here. The FlashWrite Project is sponsored by BJCE Australia and supported by an Upper Lachlan Cultural Funding Program grant. The Upper Lachlan Cultural Funding Program is funded by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council.


February 15, 2021

Is your community group looking for funding?

Applications have opened for the 2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round. The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday, 16th April 2021. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. It forms part of the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program (or CEP).  The Community Fund is administered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council (ULSC). The Guidelines and application forms are available on the ULSC webpage here.  In the last Funding Round, five local groups benefited from Community Fund grants totalling more than $65,000.  Successful projects funded included banner flags and a marquee for the Crookwell Potato Festival, the refurbishment of Bannister District Hall Association’s community hall and a rock wall entrance to Pat Cullen Reserve. This year, $73,754 has been made available for the Community Fund. If you would like to find out more about the Community Fund, please click here.


January 28, 2021

Biala Rural Fire Service’s Christmas celebrations supported by BJCE Australia

Although a little delayed by COVID-19, the Biala RFS firefighters came together earlier this month to celebrate Christmas with a tasty BBQ. BJCE’s Biala Wind Farm was delighted to cover the catering costs. We wish the local RFS a very safe and happy 2021.


January 27, 2021

BJCE Australia donates festive fruit hampers and colouring-in books to local community groups

Over Christmas and the New Year break, BJCE’s Biala Wind Farm donated to the Meals on Wheels Christmas Fruit Hamper Drive. Twenty-six hampers were delivered to Crookwell residents to bring joy during the festive season. Biala Wind Farm also supported Crookwell Information Neighbourhood Centre’s (CINC) end of year Christmas concert by supplying colouring-in books to help fill the children’s gift bags.


January 22, 2021

Goulburn times five powered by Gullen Range in 2020

In 2020, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm produced enough clean energy to power an average of 73,800 typical homes—enough power for five cities the size of Goulburn! This calculation was made by taking the average daily output of the wind and solar farm over the year and comparing it to the daily average consumption of electricity by a typical home.*

*Based on 17.7kWh per house sourced from Energy Made Easy using inputs of: 2580 postcode, 4 people per house, no pool, no gas, no slab heating; total dwelling count in Goulburn Mulwaree Council area was sourced from 2016 ABS census data here.


January 20, 2021

Applications for the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund Section 355 Committee closing soon
Upper Lachlan Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from persons interested in being a Community Representative on the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Committee. There is one vacancy to fill.  Applications close this week at 4.00pm on Friday 22nd January, 2021. For more information about how to apply, please click hereto be taken to Council’s websiteor contact Council on (02) 4830 1000. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. To find out more about the Community Fund, please click here. 


January 18, 2021

Have you got a story to tell about Upper Lachlan life?

The Gunning Arts Festival’s FlashWrite project invites story submissions up to 1500 words that embody local life experiences of the Southern Tablelands.  Stories inspired by the 2021 Festival theme of “rejuvenation” are especially welcome. Derek Powell, BJCE Australia’s Deputy General Manager, said “Everyone has a story to tell. BJCE Australia is happy to do our little bit to help people tell theirs. Hats off to the contributors and the hard-working, innovative folk behind the Gunning Arts Festival for this fantastic idea. I hope people get the same enjoyment from reading the published stories as I just did.”

FlashWrite is open to all ages and the closing date for submissions is 8th February 2021. If you need a little help getting started, you can also check out the FlashWrite video tutorials by local author Greg Baines on the Gunning Arts Festival website hereA selection of stories is being published in the lead up to the 2021 Festival here and some will be selected to be performed and published in a booklet as part of the Festival. To find out more and submit your story, you can go to the Gunning Arts Festival website here.

The FlashWrite project is sponsored by BJCE Australia’s Biala and Gullen Range Wind Farms and supported by an Upper Lachlan Cultural Funding Program grant. The Upper Lachlan Cultural Funding Program is funded by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council.


January 15, 2021

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements
Please note Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance on wind turbines involving cranes and trucks. From the 20th of January two cranes will be delivered to site consisting of approximately fifteen semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell, then along Kialla Road and Range Road to the Bannister group of wind turbines. Towards the end of January when the work has been completed (dependent on weather conditions) the cranes and trucks will be leaving along the same route. We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


December 21, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close tomorrow

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close tomorrow, 22nd December. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


December 20, 2020

BJCE Australia donates Crookwell Public School student awards

Gullen Range Wind Farm was delighted to donate $100 towards two student prizes, which were recently presented at the Year 6 Crookwell Public School Presentation ceremony. One award was for Outstanding Effort in All Areas and the second award was for Significant Improvement in Literacy. Well done to the award recipients! We would also like to congratulate all the students and staff who continued to work hard through a very challenging year – an outstanding achievement. BJCE Australia wishes all the teachers, parents and students a restful and safe school holidays.


December 17, 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

BJCE Australia would like to wish you a safe, merry Christmas and a happy new year. During the festive period, our office will be closed from 23rd December 2020 to 5th January 2021 inclusive. You can still contact us but we will respond to your emails and letters when we return on 6th January 2021. If you need more immediate assistance, please phone our toll-free number on 1800 509 711 (leave a message and we’ll call you back). If there is an emergency, please dial 000.


December 8, 2020

BJCE Australia is proud to support the Crookwell Public School P&C Christmas raffle

You can win impressive festive hampers packed with locally sourced gifts by entering Crookwell Public School P & C’s Christmas raffle. BJCE’s Gullen Range Wind Farm is delighted to donate $200 towards the Christmas hamper prizes. Raffle tickets are $1 each, or 10 for $8. The raffle closes on Friday, 11th December, with the lucky winners drawn on 14th December. To find out more, please click on the flyer below. Good luck and Merry Christmas from the BJCE Australia team.


December 3, 2020

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest for the GRWF Community Fund Section 355 Committee – Community Representatives.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from persons interested in being a Community Representative on the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Committee. There is one vacancy to fill.  Applications close at 4.00pm on Friday 22nd January, 2021. For more information about how to apply, please click hereto be taken to Council’s websiteor contact Council on (02) 4830 1000. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. To find out more about the Community Fund, please click here.


December 1, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on Tuesday, 22nd December. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


November 23, 2020

BJCE Australia proudly supports the upcoming Gullen Range Triples Classic Bowling Tournament

The Crookwell greens will be buzzing with excitement this weekend for the 2020 Gullen Range Triples Classic Bowling Tournament. Derek Powell, BJCE’s Deputy General Manager, said, “We’ve been a proud sponsor of the Gullen Range Triples Classic over the past few years. It’s been a difficult year for many local sports groups due to the COVID restrictions, so we are pleased that this event can go ahead. We wish the competitors all the best this weekend”.


October 22, 2020

Five community projects receive much-needed grants from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund, bringing Gullen Range’s local community fund contributions to more than $400,000.

Five local groups will benefit from Community Fund grants in the 2020/21 Funding Round, together totalling $65,043.90 . The announcement was made by Upper Lachlan Shire Council who administer the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund.

Funded projects included:
1.       Kiamma Creek Landcare – Pat Cullen Reserve, receiving $8,600 to help construct a new Rockwall Entrance
2.       Crookwell Services Men’s Bowling Club, receiving $6,699 to help purchase and install scoreboards
3.       Crookwell / Taralga Aged Care, receiving $8,607.40 to purchase outdoor furniture
4.       Crookwell Potato Festival, receiving $3,000 to purchase banner flags and marquees
5.       Bannister District Hall Association, receiving $38,137.50 to refurbish the hall

Upper Lachlan Shire Council Mayor and Committee Member John Stafford said “It is wonderful to see so many local community groups benefit from this funding.”

To find out more about this year’s successful community grant recipients, please click here.

The Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund provides annual grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. It forms part of the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program (or CEP). You can read more about the Community Fund and CEP here.


October 02, 2020

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Please note Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance on wind turbines involving cranes and trucks. From the 6th of October two cranes will be delivered to site consisting of approximately fifteen semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell, then along Kialla Road and Range Road to the Bannister group of wind turbines. Towards the end of October when the work has been completed (dependent on weather conditions) the cranes and trucks will be leaving along the same route.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


September 21, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close tomorrow

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close tomorrow, 22nd September. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


September 21, 2020

BJCE Australia zooms into Goulburn High School’s Year 8 STEM class

BJCE Australia’s Leo Pearce (Asset Manager) and Isabel Nelson (Community Engagement Officer) recently zoomed into Goulburn High’s Year 8 STEM class to give the students some insight into the workings of their local wind and solar farms.  As part of the ‘virtual’ visit, Leo showed the students the inside of a Gullen Range Wind Farm wind turbine. He also explained how a wind farm is constructed using recent photos of Biala Wind Farm.  There was no shortage of fantastic questions for the BJCE team in the Question and Answer session at the end of the talk.

The ‘virtual’ school visit formed part of the STEM School Industry Partnership (SISP) program, which is funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland. The SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems.


September 11, 2020

Wind turbines to be temporarily switched off for routine maintenance

You might notice that our wind turbines at Gullen Range Wind Farm will not be spinning for a few days from September, 15th. That’s because we’re doing some routine maintenance work on the high voltage substation.  We expect everything will be back to normal by September, 18th. Please let us know if you have any questions. To contact us, please click here.


September 10, 2020

August 2020 – a good month for wind output in Australia

Last month, Gullen Range Wind Farm was recorded as one of the top ten best performing wind farms in Australia. We had a capacity factor of more than 40% over the course of the month. The capacity factor measures the amount of electricity a wind turbine produces in a given time period relative to its maximum potential. Data supplied by Rystad Energy. Source: RenewEconomy.


September 3, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd September. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


September 3, 2020

Applications for the 2020/2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round have now closed.

Applications for the 2020/2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round closed on the 28th of August. Please contact Upper Lachlan Shire Council for more information about the application process. For more information about the Community Fund click here.


August 28, 2020

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest for the GRWF Community Fund Section 355 Committee – Community Representatives.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from persons interested in being a Community Representative on the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Committee.  Applications close at 4.00pm on Friday 11th September, 2020. For more information about how to apply, please click hereto be taken to Council’s websiteor contact Council on (02) 4830 1000. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. To find out more about the Community Fund, please click here.


August 27, 2020

BJCE Australia is proud to sponsor the Gunning Arts Festival FlashWrite project aimed at showcasing local stories.

Gunning Arts Festival recently launched its very first FlashWrite project – a short story writing project which will highlight local life experiences. FlashWrite encourages locals of all ages to submit their stories and have them published on the Gunning Arts Festival website. A selection of stories will also be featured as readings and performances at the 2021 Gunning Arts Festival. BJCE Australia is excited to be a major project sponsor and our team looks forward to reading the local short stories. For more information about the Gunning Arts Festival and how to get involved with the FlashWrite project, please click here.


August 20, 2020

2020 Clean Energy Australia Report – A record year for renewable energy

Earlier this year, the Clean Energy Council published the 2020 Clean Energy Australia Report. The report covers the latest key figures and statistics on the national energy market. To read more, click here.


August 19, 2020

BJCE Australia ‘zoom’ in to St Mary’s Primary School Crookwell for STEMConnect
Earlier this month, year 5/6 students from St. Mary’s Primary School in Crookwell were joined by BJCE’s Derek Powell and Isabel Nelson who ‘Zoomed’ into their classroom for a ‘virtual’ STEM Connect lesson. Students crafted their very own anemometer and were able to measure the wind speed generated by fans inside the classroom. The students also learnt about the importance of anemometers and wind vanes and how these devices help a wind turbine generate as much energy from the wind as possible. The event was coordinated by Jo Marshall from the Australian Agricultural Centre (AAC) as part of STEM Connect@AAC. BJCE was proud to be part of this learning experience and hope to welcome the students back to the wind farm in the future.


August 13, 2020

Students take a close look at a Biala Wind Farm turbine blade

On Friday 24th July 2020, year 5 and 6 students from Crookwell Public School and year 8 students from Crookwell High School were treated to a special blade viewing at the Crookwell Showground.

These students are part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Industry School Partnership (SISP) program , which is funded by the NSW Department of Education and coordinated by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDASI). The students were divided into small groups throughout the day and enjoyed an up close guided tour around the 70m blade from BJCE Australia’s Isabel Nelson and Leo Pearce and Goldwind Australia’s Andy Wang and Alison Deale, who also answered a diverse range of interesting questions.


July 10, 2020

Range Road upgrade reaches completion

BJCE Australia is glad to announce the upgrade works on Range Road have now been signed off by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council. The 40 km/h construction speed limit has now been lifted and the upgraded sections of road have returned to normal speed conditions. BJCE Australia would like to thank the local community for their cooperation during the various upgrades. The road upgrades were important to accommodate the wind turbine component deliveries for Biala Wind Farm but also to improve the condition of the road for many years to come. The upgrades involved replacing two causeways with culverts, widening, improving the pavement, constructing school bus stop areas and resealing the road. BJCE Australia’s $4.2 million investment for the works on Range Road and Kialla Road has contributed to a safer commute for all. The upgrade works cover 7.3 km of Range Road between the intersections with Kialla Road and Grabben Gullen Road.



July 8, 2020

Crookwell Public School students harness wind power for their latest STEM challenge

Year 5/6 students from Crookwell Public School blew us away last week with their fantastic Wind Power Showcase, which formed part of the STEM Industry School Partnership (SISP) program. Working in teams, the students were tasked with building their own model wind turbines to power lights, buzzers and other small items. The STEM challenge was inspired by “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”, which is an amazing true story about an innovative Malawian teenager, William Kamkwamba, who constructed a DIY wind turbine to generate electricity for his community. As part of the showcase, BJCE Australia’s Isabel Nelson (Community Engagement Officer), was proud to present the Industry Award to the student team, ‘Exquisite Engineers’. This group demonstrated their commitment to following the engineering design process, developing solutions to problems they encountered and testing their new designs by trying to generate enough electricity to run a light globe. BJCE wishes to congratulate all the teams who presented their excellent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) projects at the showcase! It was great to see so many students inspired by this STEM challenge.

BJCE Australia has been an Industry partner with the SISP program since it commenced in 2018. Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems.



July 2, 2020

Free workshop for Community Groups intending to apply for a Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Grant

Applications for the 2020/2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round opened on Monday, 2nd March 2020. Due to COVID-19 circumstances, the closing date for applications has been extended until 4.00pm on Friday 28 August 2020. To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, click here.

The workshop is aimed at community groups who intend to apply and would like some guidance about how to prepare an application.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 14th July 2020 at the Crookwell Bowling Club from 5.30pm. To register click here.

These workshops have been held for the past two years, coinciding with the period when applications are being received by ULSC. Previous attendees have found the session very useful, but attendance is not compulsory. The workshop is conducted by our consultant independently of our involvement as part of the Section 355 committee that determines successful applicants. If you want to find out more about the Community Fund or the Community Fund Workshop, please click here.


June 24, 2020

Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grant helps fund new marquee

A grant from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund has helped the CWA Crookwell Evening Branch purchase a new marquee. Whatever the weather, the Evening branch’s marquee has the catering and fundraising activities covered plus it looks fantastic too.  Evening Branch Secretary Jeanette Painter said, “On behalf of our members I would like to thank the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund for their generous grant, which helped us to purchase this wonderful new marquee.” The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. Applications for the 2020/2021 Community Fund will close on Friday, 28th August. To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, please click here.


June 19, 2020

Crookwell Public School students join our ‘virtual’ wind and solar farm tour

BJCE Australia zoomed into Crookwell Public School’s classroom yesterday to take the Year 5/6 students on a ‘virtual’ tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm. The tour aimed to complement the students’ in-class STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities, which currently involve using wind turbine kits to explore wind energy. Although the COVID restrictions meant that the students could not visit our wind farm in person, Leo Pearce (Asset Manager) and Isabel Nelson (Community Engagement Officer) were still able to show the students the inside of a wind turbine, explain how a wind farm works and answer some great questions about renewable energy. Our team was particularly impressed by the progress the students were making with their own wind turbine designs.

The ‘virtual’ school visit formed part of the STEM School Industry Partnership (SISP) program, which is funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland. The SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems.


June 10, 2020

Clean Energy employment opportunities continue to soar

A report released last week by the Clean Energy Council has revealed the clean energy sector currently employs over 25,000 people and could employ as many as 44,000 people by 2025 with the majority of those jobs in regional Australia. The survey covered small-scale rooftop solar, large-scale solar and wind, hydro and pumped hydro, battery storage and the associated supply chains. BJCE Australia is proud to employ 12 staff across our projects. Our subcontractors employ a further 13 full-time maintenance staff at our Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and there are currently 70 people working at the Biala Wind Farm construction site. To find out more, please click here, or to read and download the report, click here.


June 2, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd June. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


May 21, 2020

BJCE Australia impressed by winning Ag inspired cake creations

BJCE Australia’s Biala Wind Farm wishes to congratulate the winners of the Australian Agricultural Centre’s (AAC) Bake-off competition. Biala Wind Farm was proud to be a major sponsor of this fun online competition, especially  during these challenging times of COVID-19 restrictions. Entrants were tasked with baking a cake to match a photo of their favourite farm animal, fruit or vegetable. Check out the cake masterpieces below that captured the tastes of judges, Jo Marshall (AAC CEO) and well known Australian pâtissier, Adriano Zumbo . First prize in the adult section went to Andrea with her “Bullhorn Chilli” cake and Lacey won first prize in the Child section with her “Seed to Carrot” cake. For all the results and some more fantastic cake photos, you can visit the AAC’s Facebook page here. Well done to all the participants. We’re sure the cakes taste as amazing as they look!


May 19, 2020

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 at 5.30pm, location TBC. For more information, please click here.


May 5, 2020

BJCE Australia lends a helping hand to local charities during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many local charity groups worried about funding and future fundraising initiatives. BJCE Australia is providing a helping hand through donations of $1,000 to several Crookwell charities including Crookwell Meals on Wheels, Crookwell CWA Day Branch and Crookwell/Taralga Aged Care /Upper Lachlan Community Care. The initiative is aimed at allocating small pools of funding to local charities that are helping the Upper Lachlan Shire community through the ongoing pandemic. Read the full story here.


May 1, 2020

Community Fund Application closing date extended

Upper Lachlan Shire Council has announced the closing date for the 2020/21 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round applications has been extended until Friday 28 August 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines and application form are available on the Council’s website. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. To find out more about the Community Fund, please click here. You can view the latest news about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic here.


May 1, 2020

GRWF Community Consultative Committee Zooms Ahead

COVID-19 has not stopped the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee (CCC) from meeting, with the group’s first online Zoom video conference held successfully on Wednesday. The CCC meetings are a great way for us to engage with local councils and the community and we are highly appreciative of everybody who took part. You can find out more about the CCC here. For the latest news about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.


April 29, 2020

BJCE Australia joins Landcare’s online School Holiday Workshop

‘Blowing in the Wind’ was the theme of Landcare’s recent school holiday workshop and our wind farm Asset Manager, Leo Pearce, was delighted to pop online to help out. After having fun learning about local wildlife and making kites, the children had the chance to find out more about wind and solar farms; how they are built and how they work. The kids especially enjoyed seeing a picture of a sugar glider family, who have made a home in one of our wind farm nest boxes. Leo explained that the installation of 30 nest boxes forms part of a plan (called the Property Vegetation Plan) to protect and enhance the conservation value of a large area of native vegetation at Gullen Range Wind Farm. This 123- hectare area, equivalent to 123 football fields, is a requirement of the wind farm’s project approval to make up for the 35 hectares of land impacted by the construction of the wind farm, for example when vegetation was cleared to lay the access tracks to the turbines.

As well as talking about our wind and solar farm, Leo also answered some great questions from the kids. The online activities were very successful and Gullen Range Wind Farm thanks Upper Lachlan Landcare for inviting us to take part. The school holiday workshop was partly supported by a grant from Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Community Fund. If you would like to find out more about the Community Fund, please click here.


April 21, 2020

Enter your inspired Ag cake creations in the Australian Agriculture Centre’s on-line competition

Here at BJCE Australia’s Biala Wind Farm, we appreciate a tasty cake! That’s one reason we’ve provided $1000 towards prize money for the Australian Agriculture Centre’s (AAC) home baking competition. Entrants are tasked with baking a cake to match a photo of their favourite farm animal, fruit or vegetable. Great fun during these challenging times of COVID-19 lockdown for Adults or Children! To enter the amateur Ag bake-off, visit the AAC website here and upload your baking photos by 15th May. You could win some great adult or kid’s prizes. One of the judges will be Adriano Zumbo, a well-known Australian pâtissier. So let’s get baking!


April 07, 2020

BJCE Australia COVID-19 update – Keeping the local community informed

The COVID-19 pandemic is a very serious situation. Today, we created a dedicated page for the community to read up-to-date information about our response to COVID-19, this includes the initiatives we have implemented on site. We’ve also produced a downloadable fact sheet which includes a Frequently Asked Questions section. You can download it here.  Biala Wind FarmGullen Range Wind Farm and Gullen Solar Farm remain open to essential staff. They are subject to strict controls. Please contact us if you have any questions.


April 06, 2020

Gunning Arts Festival to celebrate local talent with online events

BJCE Australia is delighted to be a silver sponsor of the online Festival, especially during these tough times for the local community and artists due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the theme of ‘Celebrating Nature’, the community-led festival will feature an impressive line-up of local talent for everyone to enjoy. Events online will include a gala opening and jazz music, together with art and craft online exhibitions and demonstrations, music performances, play and book readings, and more.  All events will be online by the original Festival date of April 18. As the organisers announced…“The show must go on-line!” For further information, you can visit the 2020 Gunning Arts Festival website here.


March  31, 2020

Our workers give Café Zestt lunches the thumbs up!

In the last week, we’ve sourced over $5,000 worth of lunches for our substation workers from Café Zestt in Crookwell! We’ve been working to minimise the interaction of our work teams during a week of critical work at Gullen Range Wind Farm substation. Minimising interactions is one of many measures implemented to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Our efforts coincided with the government’s announcement that all café’s would need to switch to take-away only! Sourcing lunches from Crookwell meant less interaction of our staff in the lunch room and also meant a good boost for Café Zestt. The lunches were so good we’re investigating expanding the program across all of the Biala Wind Farm construction team.


March  24, 2020

Wind turbines temporarily switched off for scheduled Biala Wind Farm connection works to substation

You might notice that our wind turbines at Gullen Range Wind Farm will not be spinning for a few days from March 25th. That’s because we’re doing some work on our electricity substation. We’re getting ready to pass electricity from our Biala Wind Farm on to the electricity grid. Biala Wind Farm isn’t ready to produce electricity yet, but it is important that we get these works completed. We expect everything will be back to normal by April 1st. Please let us know if you have any questions. To contact us, click here.


March 24, 2020

BJCE Australia implements new measures to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the local community.

In response to COVID-19 pandemic, in recent weeks we have proactively implemented the following changes to our public engagement measures:

  • Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm public tours have been suspended. If you would like to be notified when these tours will recommence, please register here.
  • Our school visits and tours to site have been postponed until further notice. As an Industry Partner with the STEM Industry School Partnership (SISP) Program, we are working closely with the SISP coordinators to continue supporting the Program in 2020.
  • Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund grant workshop has been postponed.  We are planning to deliver a rescheduled workshop via an online webinar. If you are interested and would like to know more please call 1800 509 711.
  • Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Clean Energy Program’s household energy efficiency audit visits are now on hold. We are currently exploring other ways of conducting the audits. If you have any questions, please call 1800 509 711.
  • Biala Wind Farm’s monthly community BBQ’s have been cancelled for the time being.
  • All Community Consultative Committee (CCC) meetings will be held via teleconference or postponed.

At this point in time, our project and construction sites continue to operate but they are only open to our staff and contractors and they are subject to strict controls to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission. More details are available in our recent media release which can be downloaded here.

We are still available to answer your project queries. You can contact us by calling the numbers below, by emailing us or through our website enquiry page:

For more information on our hygiene measures click here.


March 20, 2020

Community Enhancement Fund grant writing workshop to be hosted through video conference

In light of the rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we have decided to cancel the face-to-face Community Enhancement Fund grant writing workshop scheduled for Monday 23rd March 2020. The workshop will be hosted through an online video conference. To register, call 1800 509 711 or email [email protected].


March 17, 2020

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm Tours cancelled in March and April

We enjoy these tours immensely and look forward to taking members of the public up close to our wind turbines and solar panels. However, in the light of the rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we have decided to exercise caution and cancel the public tours to the wind and solar farm in March and April.

We are committed to providing a safe environment for our staff and visitors to our wind and solar farm, which is why this decision has been made. We hope to run the tours again later in the year. If you have booked on the tour on 17th March, you should have been notified that the tour is cancelled. The new tour dates will be announced on our website here and the Crookwell Visitor Information Centre booking site here. If you would like to be notified when the Gullen Range Wind and Solar farm tours will restart via email, register here. If you have any general questions about the tours, please contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre.


March  12, 2020

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd March. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


March  4, 2020

CCC meeting date changed

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th April at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


March  4, 2020

BJCE Australia – a proud sponsor of the 2020 Rose Tournament at Goulburn Railway Bowling Club

BJCE Australia proudly sponsored the 2020 Rose Tournament, which was held at Goulburn Railway Bowling Club last week. Simon Zhao, Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Site Manager, was honoured to attend the award ceremony and present the prizes to the winners of the men’s and women’s competitions. Well done to the ladies from the Illawarra and Sydney area and the men from Merimbula, Taralga and Goulburn who placed first in their competitions. BJCE Australia also wishes to congratulate all the people involved in making the bowling tournament such a success.


February  27, 2020

BJCE Australia thanks local community for their ongoing support for the community fundraiser BBQs. 

BJCE Australia teamed up with the Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service last week for our monthly fundraising BBQ outside the Crookwell IGA. The BBQ raised over $500 for the Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service (RFS). It was also an opportunity for members of the community to chat with our team about renewable energy, our public tours and the progress on Biala Wind Farm. BJCE Australia would like to thank all those who stopped for a sausage, chatted with us and made donations to the Grabben Gullen RFS. The next community BBQ will be held on Thursday 12 March 2020.


February  17, 2020

Free workshop for Community Groups intending to apply for a Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Grant

Applications will open for the 2020/2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round on Monday, 2nd March and close on Friday 1st May 2020. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. It forms part of the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program (or CEP).  The Community Fund is administered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council (ULSC). The Guidelines and application forms will be available from 2nd March on the ULSC webpage here.  In the last Funding Round, nine local groups benefited from Community Fund grants totalling $72,427. Successful projects funded included the purchase of a defibrillator, a youth connection and engagement project and a heritage rock wall entrance to Pat Cullen Reserve.

We are arranging a workshop to assist with preparing grant applications. The workshop is aimed at community groups who intend to apply and would like some guidance about how to prepare an application. The workshop will be held on 23rd March at 5pm in the CWA Rooms in Crookwell. To register, click here.

These workshops have been held for the past 2 years, coinciding with the period when applications are being received by ULSC. Previous attendees have found the session very useful, but attendance is not compulsory. The workshop is conducted by our consultant independently of our involvement as part of the Section 355 committee that determines successful applicants. If you want to find out more about the Community Fund or the Community Fund Workshop, please clickhere.


February  14, 2020

BJCE Australia is a proud Red Ribbon sponsor of the 2020 Crookwell Show

Our team braved the wet weather last weekend at the Crookwell Show. In spite of the rain, our face painter brightened lots of faces with the proceeds donated to the Grabben Gullen Community Progress Association’s ANZAC Memorial project. We answered a lot of good questions about our projects, our renewable energy tours and Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Clean Energy Program, as well as general queries about renewable energy. We always enjoy the show and would like to say thank you to everybody who made it out in the weather and came to our stand for a chat.


February  5, 2020

BJCE Australia is delighted to be a Silver Sponsor of the inaugural 2020 Gunning Arts Festival

BJCE Australia’s Biala Wind Farm is proud to be a Silver sponsor of the community-led Gunning Arts Festival, which will be held on 17th and 18th April.  With the theme of ‘Celebrating Nature’, the multi-event Festival will feature an impressive line-up of local talent. Events will include a Gala opening on the evening of 17th April, followed by art and craft exhibitions, music performances, play and book readings, workshops, fashion parades, competitions and much more on 18th April. For bookings and further information, you can visit the 2020 Gunning Arts Festival website here.


February  5, 2020

BJCE Australia is excited to be part of the STEM Industry Schools Partnership Program (SISP) again in 2020

BJCE Australia is delighted to return as an Industry Partner for the STEM Industry Schools Partnership Program (SISP) in 2020. Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focused on how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems.

As part of the SISP Program in 2019, BJCE Australia hosted more than 110 primary students at Gullen Range Wind Farm and assisted students from five local schools with their STEM classes.

To watch an overview of the SISP pilot program in different regions of NSW, including the Upper Lachlan Shire, please click here.

We’ll keep you updated on the upcoming 2020 SISP events!


January  31, 2020

BJCE Australia will match donations for the Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service (RFS) at our community BBQs

We’re hosting another community BBQ on 13th February. You can find us out the front of Crookwell IGA alongside Grabben Gullen RFS from 9.30am to 2pm. The RFS will be cooking the sausage sandwiches and you can grab one for a gold coin donation. 100% of all donations goes to the RFS and we match every donation dollar for dollar. Our project team will be on hand to answer any questions about our Biala Wind Farm project, which is currently under construction. You can also ask questions about our Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm or renewable energy in general. We’ve been running these BBQ’s monthly since November and so far more than $1,700 has been raised for the RFS. Be sure to stop by and say hello!


January 18, 2020

BJCE Australia is proud to be a Platinum sponsor of the Crookwell Senior Green Devils in 2020

BJCE Australia’s Biala Wind Farm is delighted to be a Platinum sponsor of the Crookwell Senior Green Devils Football Club in 2020. It’s a special season ahead as Crookwell Rugby League celebrates its 100 year anniversary. BJCE Australia wishes the talented players every success for the centenary year!


January 08, 2020

In 2019, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm generated enough clean energy to power an average of 80,700 homes

In 2019, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm produced enough clean energy to power an average of 80,700 typical homes—enough power for six cities, the size of Goulburn! This calculation was made by taking the average daily output of the wind and solar farm over the year and comparing it to the daily average consumption of electricity by a typical home.*

*Based on 17.7kWh per house sourced from Energy Made Easy using inputs of: 2580 postcode, 4 people per house, no pool, no gas, no slab heating; total dwelling count in Goulburn Mulwaree Council area was sourced from 2016 ABS census data here.


December 17, 2019

BJCE Australia was excited to join the Southern Inland SISP STEM Awards ceremony

BJCE Australia was delighted to celebrate the impressive student achievements at the inaugural Southern Inland STEM Industry School Partnership (SISP) Awards in Goulburn last week. Derek Powell, Deputy General Manager of BJCE Australia, joined more than 100 students, teachers, industry partners and special guests at the event, which was opened by the Honourable, Wendy Tuckerman MP. Congratulations to all the winners!

BJCE Australia is proud to have been an Industry Partner for the SISP Program in 2019. Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the program aims to provide primary and high school students (years 5-8) with age appropriate Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) skills and pathways to STEM careers. As part of the SISP Program in 2019, BJCE Australia hosted more than 110 primary students at Gullen Range Wind Farm and assisted students from five local schools with their STEM classes.


December 16, 2019

BJCE Australia team up with Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service (RFS) to raise funds
Last Thursday, we teamed up with Grabben Gullen RFS for a fundraising BBQ out the front of Crookwell IGA. The BBQ raised over $350 for the local RFS to support their ongoing initiatives. It also allowed members of the community to chat with our team about renewable energy and the progress on Biala Wind Farm. The next community BBQ will be held on Thursday 16th January 2020.

BJCE would like to thank all those who stopped for a sausage, chatted with us and made donations to the Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service.


December 13, 2019

BJCE Australia announces 2020 wind and solar farm tour dates

BJCE Australia is excited to announce the 2020 Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tours taking place between January and June. The first tour will run on Tuesday, 17th March. Tour dates between July and December 2020 will be announced in April. The tours are a great opportunity to visit Australia’s first co-located wind and solar farm and learn more about renewable energy. Click here to download the 2020 Tour brochure (January to June) or contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre for more information.


December 11, 2019

Biala Wind Farm transformer delivery to Gullen Range Wind Farm update

The transformer for the Biala Wind Farm substation extension at Gullen Range Wind Farm is expected to be delivered between 11:30am-1:30pm on Thursday the 12th of December. The transformer will be transported via Crookwell-Goulburn Road, Kialla Road, Range Road, then up Bannister & Storriers Lanes to GRWF. The transformer is an oversized load and will be transported via a truck with an escort vehicle. No road closures are expected, however minor traffic delays could be experienced. For more info, call 1800 370 045.


December 9, 2019

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd December. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


December 6, 2019

Update on the Biala Wind Farm substation extension at Gullen Range Wind Farm

The new power transformer for the Biala Wind Farm substation extension at Gullen Range Wind Farm is schedule to arrive next Thursday afternoon on the 12th of December 2019. The transformer will be transported via Crookwell-Goulburn Road, Kialla Road, Range Road, then up Bannister & Storriers Lanes to GRWF. The transformer is an oversized load and will be transported via a truck with an escort vehicle. No road closures are expected, however minor traffic delays could be experienced. We will update you again next week on the transformer delivery. For more info, call 1800 370 045.


December 4, 2019

BJCE Australia joins the buzz of creativity at the Goulburn Schools STEM Showcase

BJCE Australia wishes to congratulate Bradfordville Public School,  Wollondilly Public School and Goulburn Mulwaree High School on their impressive Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) projects, which were on display at the Goulburn Showcase last week. As part of the STEM School Industry Partnership program (SISP), students were tasked with developing products that enhance the use of renewable energy in everyday life. Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm’s Site Manager, Simon Zhao, was honoured to assist with judging the renewable projects at the STEM Showcase event. The students had clearly put a lot of effort and creativity into their products, which ranged from a solar- powered cooker and tent to a house powered by the wind and sun. Well done to all the winners! It was great to see so many students excited about STEM.

Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia is proud to be a part of the Program.


December 4, 2019

BJCE Australia presents award at the Crookwell Public School Presentation Night

Last Friday, BJCE’s Simon Zhao (Site Manager at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm) was honoured to present a school prize at the Crookwell Public School Presentation Night. BJCE Australia proudly donated $100 for the award. Congratulations to all the students and staff who have worked very hard this year and achieved so much!


December 3, 2019

Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th of March 2020 at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


December 2, 2019

Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Community Fund supports life-saving equipment

The Crookwell Car Club has purchased a defibrillator, with the help of a $2,145 grant from BJCE Australia’s Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund. The potentially life-saving equipment will be located at the IGA supermarket in Crookwell. BJCE’s Simon Zhao (Site Manager at Gullen Range) was excited to drop by the Crookwell IGA last week to chat with members of the Club and check out the newly installed automated external defibrillator (or AED). You can read more here.

Gullen Range Wind Farm contributes approximately $140,000 to its Community Enhancement Program each year, which is split equally between the Community Fund and the Clean Energy Program. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. Learn more here. The Clean Energy Program provides grants for residents within 5km of the wind farm to improve the energy efficiency of their home, such as by installing solar panels or solar hot water systems. Click here to find out more.


November 29th, 2019

BJCE Australia enjoys tasty local food at Australian Agricultural Centre Design Awards dinner.

Last Friday night was a lovely evening to have dinner outdoors, hosted by the Australian Agricultural Centre at their new premises in Roslyn near Crookwell. Smoked potatoes courtesy of Garry Kadwell and delicious roasted lamb courtesy of Ken and Jennifer Hewitt were served to a group of thirty supporters of the proposed new centre. BJCE Australia Deputy General Manager, Derek Powell, attended alongside community members, local businesses and Councillors. CEO of the project, Jo Marshall, announced the winner of the competition to develop a concept design for the complex, which is proposed as a multi-purpose facility to educate and showcase agriculture and renewable energy.


November 25th, 2019

Gullen Range Wind Farm – a major sponsor of the 2019 Crookwell Women’s Bowling Club District Open Fours and the 2019 Men’s Triple Classic Tournament.

Gullen Range Wind Farm recently sponsored the 2019 Women’s Open Fours and the Men’s Triple Classic Bowling Tournament. Simon Zhao, Site Manager at Gullen Range Wind Farm attended the award ceremony and presented the women’s competition winners. Congratulations to all the winners.


November 19th, 2019

BJCE Australia keeps Bannister Hall connected.

BJCE Australia recently funded the installation of a mobile phone booster for Bannister Hall. The booster ensures the community and visitors at the Hall have mobile coverage. This is also a bushfire assembly area for nearby residents so there are safety benefits too. This is the second booster we have provided the local community to enhance mobile connectivity in the area.

Leo, Isabel and Dimity enjoying the new mobile coverage at Bannister Hall.


November 18th, 2019

BJCE Australia joins the Music in the Park celebrations in Crookwell.

On Saturday 16th November, Simon Zhao, Gullen Range Wind Farm Site Manager, joined members of Kiamma Creek Landcare Group for their annual celebration – Music in the Park. The event boasted notable local and interstate performances, kids activities and family fun. The Kiamma Creek Landcare group was successful in the 2019/2020 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Funding round. The group received a grant of $10,000 towards the heritage rock wall entrance off Laggan Road.


November 15th, 2019

BJCE Australia team up with Crookwell Men’s Shed to raise much needed funds for the NSW and QLD bushfire appeal

On Thursday 14th November, we teamed up with Crookwell Men’s Shed for a fundraising BBQ out the front of Crookwell IGA. The BBQ raised over $900 for the bush fire appeal. It also allowed members of the community to chat with our team about renewable energy and the progress on Biala Wind Farm. The next community BBQ will be held on Thursday 12 December 2019.


November 12th, 2019

Applications to join the GRWF Community Fund Committee now open.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from the local community to join the GRWF Community Fund Committee. The Committee is responsible for assessing grant applications and awarding the funds. To apply or to find out more information about the Committee, please contact Council on (02) 4830 1000. Applications close on Friday 6th of December 2019.


November 11th, 2019

BJCE Australia joins the 2019 Relay for Life community celebrations.

BJCE Australia recently joined the 2019 Goulburn Relay For Life fundraising event, which raises money to help the fight against cancer. BJCE Australia’s Derek Powell (Deputy General Manager) and Simon Zhao (Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm’s Site Manager) attended the event to support the amazing efforts of over 500 participants. Derek also enjoyed chatting with radio host, Banksy on Goulburn’s 2GN radio show. BJCE Australia was delighted to be one of the major sponsors for the event. You can read more here.


November 8th, 2019

November tour – sold out!

Tickets for the November tour have sold out. The next Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tour will be announced in 2020. To find out more about the tours and make a booking, please contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre via their website here or call 02 4832 1988.


October 28, 2019

Clean Energy Council Wind and Solar Farm Open Day – a success!

BJCE Australia is proud to have participated in the Clean Energy Council Wind and Solar Farm Open Day on Sunday 27th of October.


October 28, 2019

BJCE Australia impressed by the STEM Showcase of student renewable projects

Students from Crookwell High School and five local primary schools recently enjoyed showcasing their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) projects to the local community and industry. As part of the STEM School Industry Partnership program (SISP), students were tasked with developing products that enhance the use of renewable energy in everyday life. Isabel Nelson, BJCE’s Community Engagement Officer, was honoured to assist with judging the impressive renewable projects, which ranged from solar-powered boats and wheelchairs to energy efficient homes powered by wind and solar. Isabel was also proud to present the ‘Creativity Prize’, which is awarded to student projects with the most innovative designs. A range of local community leaders came along to the Showcase event including staff from Upper Lachlan Council and Mayor John Stafford, as well as some of the other SISP Industry partners: Pearson Engineering, Cullerin Wind Farm, Go Terra and Woodlawn Bioreactor. Read more here.

Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia is excited to be a part of the Program.


October 20, 2019

Members from Engineer Australia enjoy a visit to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

BJCE Australia recently enjoyed hosting members from Engineer Australia  at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm. Engineers Australia is the largest and most diverse body of engineers in Australia.


October 16, 2019

November tour announced

Our next tour will be on the 19th of November 2019. To book click here.


October 15, 2019

More than 50 homes now benefit from cheaper electricity bills because of Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Clean Energy Program

Today, BJCE Australia’s Gullen Range Wind Farm announced a funding milestone, having successfully delivered more than 50 Clean Energy Program grants, totalling over $345,000, to local homes. The first of its kind in Australia, the Clean Energy Program enables residents and businesses, within 5 km of the wind farm, to apply for grants to make their homes more energy efficient. Read more here.


September 27, 2019

Students from The University of New South Wales (UNSW) enjoy a visit to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

BJCE Australia recently enjoyed hosting students from the UNSW’s School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering society at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.


September 24, 2019

BJCE Australia is proud to be a major sponsor of the 2019 Goulburn Relay For Life.

BJCE Australia is proud to announce we will be a major sponsor for the 2019 Goulburn Relay For Life fundraising event. BJCE has joined forces with Goulburn-Mulwaree Council, Veolia, Goulburn Soldiers Club, Goulburn Workers, BBQs Galore and Mazda Goulburn to provide funding support for the event. Relay For Life brings communities together to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost and raise money to help the fight against cancer. The event runs from Saturday 2nd through to Sunday 3rd November 2019 at Eastgrove Park in Goulburn NSW. For more information and to help a great cause, click here.


September 23, 2019

Clean Energy Council Open Day Tour – Sold out

Tickets for the special Clean Energy Council Open Day tour have sold out. The next Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tour will be on Tuesday, 19th November. To find out more about the tours and make a booking, please contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre via their website here or call 02 4832 1988.


September 19, 2019

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm Open Day Tour!

On Sunday, 27th October, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm is hosting a special publictour to celebrate the 2019 Clean Energy Council Open Day! To secure your seat on the guided tour, which starts and finishes in Crookwell, please click here.

Wind and solar energy are playing a major part in Australia’s transition towards a renewable energy future. The Clean Energy Open Day tour is a great opportunity to get up close to a wind turbine and solar array and find out more about renewable energy.

Please note that advance bookings on the tour bus are essential. You cannot self-drive to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm for safety reasons.


September 16, 2019

CCC meeting date changed

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th November at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


September 12, 2019

BJCE Australia and Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service host information stand and fundraising BBQ

On Tuesday 3rd of September, BJCE Australia and Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service hosted an information stand and fundraising BBQ outside the Crookwell IGA.

The information stand provided a face-to-face opportunity for the local community to discuss renewable energy and ask questions about BJCE’s newest local development Biala Wind Farm.  BJCE Australia team members, Robbie Williamson and Elizabeth Picker handed out Biala Wind Farm newsletters and spoke with those who stopped to chat about the community activities and initiatives that BJCE are involved in. A number of people were particularly interested to hear about the public tours of BJCE’s Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm which can now be booked through the Crookwell tourism office.

BJCE would like to thank all those who stopped for a sausage, chatted with us and made donations to the Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Service.


September 9, 2019

Crookwell High School win award for an Outstanding School Initiative

The STEM Industry School Partnership (or SISP) Program has been recognised as an Outstanding School Initiative at state Level. Academies of STEM Excellence, Crookwell, Cessnock and Canobolas High Schools, received their awards for an outstanding school initiative at the NSW Minister’s and Secretary’s Awards for Excellence on 27th August. Funded by the Department of Education and co-ordinated by Regional Development Australia offices, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia is proud to be one of the first SISP industry partners. Since the program was piloted in 2018, BJCE Australia has hosted 6 local schools at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and assisted the schools with several STEM classroom activities. BJCE Australia would like to congratulate the staff and students of Crookwell High School on winning this well-deserved award. To read more, please click here.


September 9, 2019

October tour – sold out!

Tickets for the October tour have sold out. The next Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tour will be on Tuesday, 19th November. To find out more about the tours and make a booking, please contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre via their website here or call 02 4832 1988.


September 4, 2019

BJCE Australia impressed by Wollondilly and Bradfordville Public Schools’ student STEM projects

Wollondilly and Bradfordville Public school students were buzzing with creativity when BJCE Australia recently dropped in to see how their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Industry School Partnership (SISP) projects were progressing. The Year 5 and 6 students are tasked with developing products that enhance the use of renewable energy in everyday life. From solar-powered tents to solar-powered cookers, the products taking shape were very impressive. Isabel Nelson (Community Engagement Officer) enjoyed chatting to the students about their projects and seeing their excellent problem-solving skills in action. We can’t wait to see the finished products in Term 4!

Funded by the Department of Education, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia thanks Regional Development Australia Southern Inland for inviting us to be a part of their exciting program.


September 2, 2019

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon.

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd September. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


August 28, 2019

BJCE Australia teams up with Grabben Gullen RFS to raise funds to support their ongoing initiatives.

BJCE has teamed up with Grabben Gullen Rural Fire Brigade to host a BBQ fundraiser on Crookwell High Street (outside the IGA) next Tuesday, the 3rd September, from 9am. All proceeds raised will be donated to the Grabben Gullen RFS to support their ongoing initiatives. It a great chance to grab a sausage and chat with a couple of our team members about renewable energy or the progress on Biala Wind Farm.


August 15, 2019

BJCE Australia attends Crookwell High School’s positive education breakfast

BJCE Australia representative, Simon Zhao, recently attended the Crookwell High School positive education breakfast, which aimed to promote the better mental health and well-being of students. The breakfast enabled community groups and local businesses, like Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm, to understand what challenges young people in our area are facing and how they are dealing with them. For more information click here.


August 12, 2019

BJCE Australia supports cultural excursion for Crookwell High School students’ Education Week

BJCE Australia was thrilled to subsidise travel costs for Crookwell High School Year 10 and 11 students to see an iconic Shakespeare play at Sydney’s renowned Opera House. The students were treated to a performance of Macbeth, a play they are currently studying – with front row seats, plus a visit to the nearby botanical gardens! The Opera House is close to our Sydney office, so Isabel Nelson, our Community Engagement Officer, had a chat to the students and sampled their excitement on the steps of the Opera House before the play began.


August 7, 2019

Nine community projects receive much-needed grants from the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund

Nine local groups will benefit from Community Fund grants together totalling $72,427 in the 2019/2020 Funding Round. The announcement was made by Upper Lachlan Shire Council who administer the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund.  To find out more about the successful community grant recipients, please click here.

The Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. It forms part of the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program (or CEP). You can read more about the Community Fund and CEP here.


August 5, 2019

Wollondilly Public School visits Gullen Range Wind Farm

Representing a range of STEM jobs in the renewable industry, the Gullen Range team recently welcomed Years 5 and 6 students from Wollondilly Public School to the wind farm. During their visit, the students got up close to a wind turbine and watched the Gullen Range team demonstrate how changing the angle of the rotor blades can stop and start the wind turbine. The tour also included a visit to the Operations and Maintenance building, where the students found out about the farm’s electronic monitoring system and met some of the 14 local staff. It was explained to the students that monitoring the weather is an essential part of any wind farm and maintenance activities are usually planned to occur when the wind speeds are low in order to make the most of generating electricity when the wind is stronger. Students were also shown the substation, which is where all the power generated from the wind and solar farm is passed onto the electricity grid. The excursion was organised by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, as part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Industry School Partnership (SISP) Program, funded by the Department of Education. You can read more here.


July 29, 2019

October CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th of October 2019 at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


July 22, 2019

October tour announced

Our next tour will be on the 8th of October 2019. To book click here.


July 11, 2019

Bradfordville Public School students energised by their visit to Gullen Range Wind Farm

To complement their renewable energy studies in the classroom, Year 5 and 6 students visited Gullen Range Wind Farm, as part of the STEM Industry School Partnership Program (SISP). Guided by Gullen Range’s experts, Leo Pearce (Asset Manager) and Simon Zhao (Site Manager), the students learned how electricity is generated by the wind turbines and passed onto the electricity grid to power homes across Australia. The tour started in the Operations and Maintenance building, where the students found out about the farm’s electronic monitoring system and met a few of the fourteen local staff. Afterwards, the students got up close to a wind turbine and watched the Gullen Range team demonstrate how changing the angle of the rotor blades can stop and start the wind turbine. Before departing, the students were shown several wind turbine components on display, such as an anemometer and wind vane, which measure wind speed and direction. The Gullen Range team were very impressed with the questions the students asked during the tour.

Funded by the Department of Education, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focused on how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia thanks Regional Development Australia Southern Inland for inviting us to be a part of their exciting program.


July 3, 2019

STEM Interactive learning with Binda, Bigga and Laggan Public Schools

Binda, Bigga and Laggan Public School students were blown away by their recent lesson on wind energy by BJCE Australia, which formed part of a Shared Learning Day between the schools and the STEM Industry School Partnership (SISP) program. Led by Gullen Range’s Community Engagement Officer, Isabel Nelson, the students were tasked with making and testing their own anemometer, which is an instrument that measures wind speed. Working in small groups, the students demonstrated great teamwork and problem-solving skills. By the end of the lesson, there were lots of anemometers whirling round!

Funded by the Department of Education, the SISP program links industry with local schools to focus the narrative on how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills and knowledge can solve real world problems. BJCE Australia thanks Regional Development Australia Southern Inland for inviting us to be part of the exciting SISP program.


July 3, 2019

July tour – sold out!

Tickets for the July tour have sold out. The next Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tour will be on Tuesday, 8th October. To find out more about the tours and make a booking, please contact Crookwell Visitor Information Centre via their website here or call 02 4832 1988.


July 1, 2019

Brainstorming STEM project ideas at Bradfordville and Wollondilly Public Schools

Bradfordville and Wollondilly Public School students have been busy brainstorming ideas for their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Industry School Partnership (SISP) projects, with the help of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm. During a recent school visit, Gullen Range’s, Simon Zhao (Site Manger) and Jodie Marr (Site Service Manager), used their expert industry knowledge to assist the students with their design ideas for a product that will enhance the use of renewable energy in everyday life. Watch this space to find out how the students are getting along with their designs during Gullen Range’s next visit.

Funded by the Department of Education, the SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. BJCE Australia thanks Regional Development Australia Southern Inland for inviting us to be a part of their exciting program.


June 27, 2019

BJCE Australia appoint construction contractors for Biala Wind Farm

Construction of the $200 million Biala Wind Farm, located 45-minutes from Goulburn NSW, remains on track for a July 2019 start after BJCE Australia announces it has selected the contractors for the project.

This announcement follows the Southern Regional Planning Panel approval of a development application for an underground transmission line, in January 2019.  The transmission line will link the wind farm to the electricity grid at BJCE Australia’s existing Gullen Range Wind Farm substation.

Read more here.


June 21, 2019

Gullen Range Wind Farm – a proud contributor to the Crookwell Community Garden Fencing Project.

We were proud to cut the ribbon and open the Crookwell Community Garden Fencing Project yesterday. The project was jointly funded by the 2018/19 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund and a grant by Veolia Mulwaree Trust. Derek Powell, Deputy General Manager, BJCE Australia and Gullen Range Wind Farm, Site Manager, Simon Zhao attended the official opening. Derek thanked the volunteers from the Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre and the Crookwell Progress Association for their hard work in getting the works completed. The garden is a great facility for the community and the fencing looks great.

To read more – click here.


June 07, 2019

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd June 2019. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


June 06, 2019

Hands on learning at Wollondilly and Bradfordville Public Schools

We were excited to kick off our 2019 school incursion program by dropping in on Wollondilly and Bradfordville Public Schools this week. Under the instruction of our Community Engagement Officer, Isabel Nelson, students made their very own anemometer, a wind speed measuring device. The students’ many technical questions on how our wind farms work were answered by Simon Zhao, the expert Site Manager of our Gullen Range Wind Farm. Everybody, including our staff, had a great time.

BJCE Australia thanks Regional Development Australia Southern Inland for inviting us to be a part of their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Industry School Partnership (SISP) program, funded by the Department of Education. SISP is a program linking industry with local schools, focussed on how STEM skills and knowledge can solve real-world problems. We are proud to be involved.

Read more here.


May 22, 2019

July tour date announced!

Our next tour will be on the 16th of July 2019. To book visit this link.


May 17, 2019

May tour – sold out!

Tickets for the May tour have sold out. The next tour will be on Tuesday 16th July. To book click here.


May 14, 2019

BJCE Australia is an Industry Partner for the 2019 STEM Industry Schools Partnership Program (SISP).

On Wednesday 8th May, the second year of the STEM Industry School Partnership Program (SISP) was launched. Crookwell High School hosted five primary schools from the Upper Lachlan area to participate in ‘Hook Day’. The day was designed to introduce students from Crookwell High School and their feeder schools to the SISP Program and engage them in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Isabel Nelson, Community Engagement Officer at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm attended ‘Hook Day’ on behalf of BJCE Australia.

Read more here.


May 7, 2019

Applications are now closed for the 2019/2020 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round.

Applications are now closed for the 2019/2020 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round. Applications for the 2020/2021 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Funding Round will open next year.


May 2, 2019

Students from the University of Wollongong (UOW) enjoy a visit to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

BJCE Australia recently enjoyed hosting students from the University of Wollongong Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Branch Chapter and the Power and Energy Society at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.


April 30, 2019

Colouring-in Competition Winners Announced

Thanks to everyone who entered our colouring competition and congratulations to our two awesome winners who will each receive a $40 Target voucher!

BJCE would like to thank all participants and congratulates all winners.


April 18, 2019

2018 – A remarkable year for the Australian clean energy industry.

2018 was a remarkable year for the Australian clean energy industry. The Clean Energy Council recently announced the release of its 2019 Clean Energy Australia report, which provides an overview of the Australian clean energy sector. To read or download the report, please click here.


April 1, 2019

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works

Please note Gullen Range Wind Farm will be carrying out the scheduled annual maintenance of the electrical substation between the 8th and 12th of April. During this period of maintenance, the wind farm will be switched off for several days to provide safe access for inspection and testing of the equipment in the substation. All the wind turbines will be in a stopped state during this period. We will endeavour to complete the maintenance as soon as possible and return the wind turbines to their generation state.


March 25, 2019

BJCE Australia is proud to be part of the STEM Industry Schools Partnership Program (SISP) again in 2019

BJCE Australia is excited to be back as an Industry Partner for the STEM Industry Schools Partnership Program (SISP) in 2019. Funded by the Department of Education and coordinated locally by Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, the program aims to provide primary and high school students (years 5-8) with age appropriate Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) skills and pathways to STEM careers. Research suggests that an estimated 75% of future jobs will require STEM skills, so we are proud to be involved!

As part of the pilot SISP Program in 2018, BJCE Australia hosted five local schools at Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and assisted students with their STEM projects during school visits. To watch an overview of the SISP program in different regions of NSW, including the Upper Lachlan Shire, please click here.

We’ll keep you updated on the upcoming 2019 SISP events!


March 25, 2019

May tour date announced!

Our next tour will be on the 21st May 2019. To book visit this link.


March 13, 2019

July CCC meeting date announced.

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th of July 2019 at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


March 12, 2019

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close soon.

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd March 2019. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


March 12, 2019

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Please note Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance involving cranes and trucks. From 12th March to 18th April, a rotor blade will be moved from the Bannister group of the wind farm to the Pomeroy group along Range Road and Storriers Lane. A crane will be delivered to site consisting of approximately ten semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell then along Kialla Road and Range Road to the Bannister group of wind turbines. Approximately a week later, the crane and trucks will move from the Bannister group of wind turbines to the Pomeroy group of turbines along Range Road and Storriers Lane.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


March 8, 2019

Gullen Range Wind Farm – a proud supporter of the 2019 Rose Bowls Tournament

Gullen Range Wind Farm recently sponsored the 2019 Rose Bowls Tournament. The tournament, now in its 25th year in the men’s division and 23rd in the women’s, is one of the most popular of its kind in the region. Simon Zhao, Site Manager at Gullen Range Wind Farm attended the award ceremony and presented the women’s competition winners. Congratulations to all winners. You can read more about it here.


March 05, 2019

Register now for the 2019 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Workshop

The Gullen Range Wind Farm FREE Grant Writing Workshop will provide your community group/organisation all the information needed to access important funding. The workshop will be held on Monday 25th March 2019 at the CWA Rooms in Crookwell from 5pm. To register click here

This workshop will help you identify the requirements of grant applications, what you will need to include in your response and how to write a convincing case for your project.

To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, click here.


March 01, 2019

2019/2020 Community Fund Funding Round dates announced

Applications will open for the 2019/2020 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Funding Round on Thursday 7th March 2019 and close on Thursday, 2nd May 2019. The Upper Lachlan Shire Council announced the fund will provide $72,427 for community projects or initiatives within 10kms of the Wind Farm. In 2018/19 the Fund supported seven community group projects which included the construction of a fence around the Crookwell Community Garden.

To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, click here.


February 14, 2019

BJCE Australia supports 141st Crookwell Show

BJCE Australia attended the annual Crookwell Show with an information stand and a face painter last weekend. The stand provided a face-to-face opportunity for the local community to discuss renewable energy and ask questions about the local wind farm projects. Local children enjoyed having their faces painted by Rainbow Faces with proceeds being donated back to the Grabben Gullen community.


January 28, 2019

February CCC meeting date announced.

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th February 2019 at 5.30pm at the Crookwell CWA Rooms. For more information, please click here.


January 27, 2019

January tour – a success!

Local attendees and visiting tourists enjoyed a tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm last week. We would also like to thank the Crookwell Gazette for joining us!


January 26, 2019

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Please note that Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance involving cranes and trucks. From 18th February to 18th March, a crane will be delivered to site consisting of approximately ten semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road and Range Road to the Bannister group of wind turbines, approximately a week later they will move to the Pomeroy group of wind turbines along Range Road and Storriers Lane.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


January 25, 2019

During 2018, on an average day of wind and sunshine, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm generated enough clean energy to power approx. 78,300 typical homes

During 2018, on an average day of wind and sunshine, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm produced enough clean energy to power approx. 78,300 typical homes! This number is calculated by taking the average daily output of the wind and solar farm over the year and comparing it to the daily average consumption of electricity by a typical home.*

* Based on 17.7kWh per house sourced from using inputs of: 2580 postcode, 4 people per house, no pool, no gas, no slab heating


January 14, 2019

BJCE Australia helping to inspire the next STEM generation.

BJCE Australia is investing in renewable energy as well as in the future of young Australians, through its educational initiatives and interactive tours for local school and university students.

Well-known for being Australia’s first co-located project, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm (GRWSF), is also becoming recognised as a hub for ideas and creativity. During 2018, BJCE Australia hosted 5 local schools including Crookwell, Laggan, Binda and Bigga Public Schools and Crookwell High School. Read more here.


January 03, 2019

Grant success announced at Bannister Hall Christmas party

Bannister Hall committee members announced the success of their Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grant application at the annual Christmas party in December. The grant will help to provide additional facilities that would cater for functions of up to 100 people at the Hall. To find out more, visit here.

Gullen Range Wind Farm contributes approximately $140,000 to its Community Enhancement Program each year, which is split equally between the Community Fund and the Clean Energy Program. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. Learn more here. The Clean Energy Program (or CLEP) provides grants for residents within 5km of the wind farm to improve the energy efficiency of their home, such as by installing solar panels or solar hot water systems. Find out more here.


December 19, 2018

GRWF shares in success of local project.

BJCE Australia was invited to attend the opening of the new toilet block and storage facility at Clifton Park in Crookwell on Monday 17th of December. The new facility was opened by the Hon. Angus Taylor, MP, Minister for Energy and Member for Hume.

Clifton Park is a fantastic new sports park for the community and BJCE Australia is very proud to have been able to fund this new facility. The Lions Club of Crookwell applied for a grant for this project through the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund. Since the wind farm commenced operation in 2014, more than $280,000 has been committed to funding local community projects.

While financial support such as ours can enable local towns to thrive, projects like these cannot happen without the hard work of community members, other valuable stakeholders and local suppliers. We would like to thank everyone involved including Upper Lachlan Shire Council as well as other financial contributors such as Veolia – Australia’s first waste to energy facility operator and the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program. Thank you for letting us share in the success of this local project.


December 18, 2018

GRWF helps protect local community garden beds.

The Crookwell Community Gardens has installed new fencing around their garden beds. Gullen Range Wind Farm provided a grant of $12,500 towards the project through its Community Fund. After a lot of community effort and some funding from other sources, the fence has now been completed. Read the full article here. Gullen Range Wind Farm contributes approximately $140,000 to its Community Enhancement Program each year, which is split equally between the Community Fund and the Clean Energy Program. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. Learn more here. The Clean Energy Program provides grants for residents within 5km of the wind farm to improve the energy efficiency of their home, such as by installing solar panels or solar hot water systems.


December 14, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm – a proud supporter of the 2018 Open 4s Bowling Tournament.
The annual Open 4s Tournament was held at The Crookwell Bowling Club in November. This event is hosted by the Crookwell Women’s Bowling Club and was sponsored by Gullen Range Wind Farm. Over 50 players attended, travelling from surrounding areas to compete. A successful day all round.


December 13, 2018

BJCE Australia spend the morning with Hon. Angus Taylor, MP, Minister for Energy and Member for Hume.

BJCE Australia’s General Manager, Weiwei Shi, and Deputy General Manager, Derek Powell, were privileged to meet with the Hon. Angus Taylor, MP, Minister for Energy and Member for Hume, in Canberra last week. Discussion focused on Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and the proposed Biala Wind Farm project, both located in the Hume electorate.

BJCE Australia would like to thank Mr Taylor for his time and for sharing his views on local issues and the energy market with Weiwei and Derek.


December 11, 2018

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program (CLEP) Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd December 2018.

Applications for the next Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd December 2018. The CLEP provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of Gullen Range Wind Farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


December 6, 2018

BJCE Australia presents award at the Crookwell Public School Presentation Night

On Friday 30th November, Simon Zhao presented an award at the Crookwell Public School Presentation Night. Gullen Range Wind Farm also donated $100.00 for the award. Well done to all of the students who attended.


December 5, 2018

Clean Energy Program (CLEP) reaching great milestones in the local community.

A total of 39 houses near Gullen Range Wind Farm now have energy improvement measures such as solar panels, solar hot water systems, or better roof or wall insulation thanks to grants valuing more than $250,000 provided by the wind farm under this program. These installations will save those residents money on their power bills for many years to come.

The Clean Energy Program (CLEP) has been so popular, Gullen Range Wind Farm is now voluntarily committing more funding to the program than is required under our commitments to the NSW government. This funding is being brought forward from future years of the CLEP, so that eligible residents don’t have to wait to enjoy the program’s benefits. The grants are approximately $6500 per house and the CLEP is now in its fourth year.

There are a further 50 households that have entered the first stage of the program but are yet to apply for for their grant. These households have had an energy audit completed on their home to identify the best way to improve its energy efficiency and maximise potential power bill savings. They can now apply for their $6500 grant, meaning the CLEP is going to continue to expand in 2019 and 2020.

Gullen Range Wind Farm is proud to have committed more than $300,000 to the program to date.

Local suppliers are also reaping the benefits, with many of the 39 systems being installed by local providers.

You can read more about the CLEP on our website. It is always open to new applicants, if you live within 5km of the wind farm and satisfy the eligibility criteria. Give us a call or an email if you’d like to know more.

The CLEP is audited every year and the audit reports can be viewed on our website. Gullen Range Wind Farm provides a community update on the program at every Community Consultative Committee meeting, which is typically four times a year. The minutes of these meetings are available on our website.


November 30, 2018

Build ME a Future Day comes to Crookwell High School

Crookwell High School placed a strong second in the Science and Engineering Challenge on Thursday, run in conjunction with the University of Newcastle. Isabel Nelson, Community Engagement Officer for Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm supervised the water turbine challenge.

Download release here.


November 28, 2018

Email service is now restored.

Please be advised our email service is now restored. You may contact us via [email protected].


November 27, 2018

Gullen Range Triple Classic Tournament – a success
Gullen Range Wind Farm was proud to sponsor The Gullen Range Triple Classic Bowling tournament which was held over the weekend. Teams from as far as Wagga Wagga, Canberra, Queanbeyan, Taralga, Goulburn, Moruya, Tomakin, and Cootamundra travelled to Crookwell to take part in the event. Read more here.

The winning team from last weekend. They are from the left Simon, Reece Halligan, Roley Halligan, Dave Farrell all from Moruya.

November 26, 2018

CCC Meeting to be held in February 2019.

The next CCC meeting date will be in February 2019, date TBC.


November 23, 2018

Scheduled Email System Downtime

Please be advised our email servers will be unavailable from 10am – 5pm on Monday 26th November. This period of downtime will be scheduled for necessary updates to be applied to the servers. Please contact us via 1800 509711.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this may cause.


November 22, 2018

Basalt Rock Entrance Opens

Community members gather for the opening of Basalt Rock Entrance on Sunday. Simon Zhao, Site Manager for Gullen Range Wind Farm spoke during the opening and planted a tree at the opening.

Gullen Range Wind Farm provided a grant for $8,000 to Kiamma Landcare Group  for the Basalt Rock Entrance through its Community Enhancement Program. If you would like to find out more about our Community Fund grants, please click here.


November 17, 2018

Laggan Public School, Binda Public School and Bigga Public School visit Gullen Range Wind Farm.

On the 6th of November, students enjoyed a tour of Gullen Range Wind Farm. This school visit formed part of the STEM Industry School Partnership Program, which is funded by the NSW Department of Education.


November 15, 2018

Showcasing solutions to the toughest of agricultural problems.

Two terms of hard work were celebrated on Wednesday 13th November at Crookwell High School, with students from the high school and local primary schools showing off their Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) Projects.

A range of local community leaders and members came along to the Showcase event to view the students’ projects, including staff from Upper Lachlan Council and Mayor John Stafford, Isabel Nelson and Derek Powell from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm along with many more. Isabel was proud to present the ‘Creativity Prize’, which is awarded to student projects with the most innovative designs. Read more here.

November 13, 2018

Guests enjoyed a tour around the Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm on Tuesday. The next available tour is in March 2019.  To book visit this link.


November 12, 2018:

Councillor Brian McCormack OAM to officially open the basalt rock entrance to the reserve this weekend. 

The annual ‘Music in the Park’ concert will be held on Sunday 18th November 2018. More details here. Gullen Range Wind Farm provided a grant for $8,000 to Kiamma Landcare Group through the Community Enhancement Program. If you would like to find out more about our Community Fund grants, please click here.


November 5, 2018

CCC Meeting: 19th September 2018 Minutes

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 19th September 2018 Minutes


October 31, 2018

Crookwell High School visit Gullen Range

On Thursday 25th October, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm hosted Year 8 students from Crookwell High School.

download release here.


October 24, 2018

National Wind Farm Open Day

BJCE Australia is proud to have participated in the Clean Energy Council National Wind Farm Open Day on Sunday 21st of October.


October 8, 2018

New board of Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDASI) visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.

On Tuesday morning, the new board of Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDASI) visited Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.

Read more here.


September 28, 2018

November tour is sold out!

Our next available tour is in January 2019. To book visit this link.


September 24, 2018

October tours are sold out!

Our next available tour is in November. Limited seats remain. To book visit this link.


September 20, 2018

Crookwell Public School proves to be a big fan of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm

On Wednesday the 5th of September, Crookwell Public School students from Year 3 and 4 were treated to a tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm – Australia’s first co-located wind and solar project.

download release here.


September 14, 2018

Industry helping students solve problems of the future

On Monday, Years 8 mentors from Crookwell High School visited Year 5 students at Crookwell Public School to assist the students with their Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) projects, as part of the STEM Industry School Partnership Program funded by the NSW Department of Education. Also joining in on the day were two industry representatives from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm, Isabel Nelson and Simon Zhao, and Project Officer at Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDASI), Camilla Staff.

download release here.



September 10, 2018

Crookwell Green Devils secure 2018 George Tooke Shield in grand final victory

The Crookwell Green Devils defeated North Canberra Bears 22 – 16 to become the Premiers of the 2018 George Tooke Shield. Congratulations boys! BJCE Australia has been a proud sponsor of the Crookwell Devils for the last three years with Gullen Range Wind Farm and Biala Wind Farm.


September 10, 2018

Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd September

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on 22nd September. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us.


September 10, 2018

Goldwind is seeking a Service Technician at Gullen Range Wind Farm

Goldwind Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldwind International, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of utility wind turbines is seeking a Service Technician at Gullen Range Wind Farm.

Goldwind manufactured and maintains the turbines at Gullen Range Wind Farm. For further information please contact Priscilla Kumar at Goldwind on 02 8079 0921.

To apply click this link.


September 5, 2018

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm Tour Competition Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered our colouring competition and congratulations to our three awesome winners Elsie, Annie and Charlie who will each receive a Target voucher!


August 30, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm Sponsorship lends a helping hand to Wollondilly Soldiers Football Club

Gullen Range Wind Farm has sponsored local Goulburn soccer club, Wollondilly Soldiers Football Club, for the 2018 season. The $800 donation has financed new strips for the Under-13’s soccer team

Download release here


August 27, 2018

Students get hooked on STEM

Crookwell High School hosted five primary schools from the Upper Lachlan area to participate in their ‘STEM Hook Day’. The day was designed to introduce students from Crookwell High School and their feeder schools to the STEM Industry School Partnership Program (SISP) and get them excited about the upcoming STEM Project.

Download release here


August 22, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm Open Day!

On Sunday 21 October, Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm is hosting a special public tour to celebrate national wind farm open day!

The tour has sold out – you can register on our waitlist via link.

Wind energy is playing a major part as Australia transitions towards a renewable energy future, and so far in 2018 wind has contributed approximately $2 billion in investment and created over 2,000 jobs.

Wind Farm Open Day is a great opportunity to get up close and personal with Australia’s clean energy future.


August 21, 2018

CCC Meeting: 13th June 2018 Minutes

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 13th June 2018 Minutes


August 1, 2018

BJCE Australia recognised for excellence in the Clean Energy Council Annual Awards

BJCE Australia was acknowledged as one of only three finalists for the 2018 Business Community Engagement Award for their co-located Gullen Range Wind Farm Clean Energy Program.

Download release here


July 31, 2018

Clean Energy Council’s launches their Best Practice Charter for Renewable Energy Development

BJCE Australia is delighted to be a founding signatory of the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter for Renewable Energy Developments. The charter is a voluntary set of commitments that reflects our commitment to advance and develop projects in a socially responsible way. It demonstrates our commitment to engaging respectfully with the communities in which we plan and operate projects, being sensitive to environmental and cultural values, and making a positive contribution to the regions in which we operate.

Download Best Practice Charter here


July 31, 2018

UNSW Sunswift Solar Car Racing Team visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.

Today, eight undergraduate students from University of NSW stopped by GRWSF with their state-of-the-art solar car. Known as eVe, the car is the world’s fastest solar electric vehicle over a 500km distance. The visit allowed Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm and UNSW students to learn about each other’s technology. Students from Crookwell High School were also invited, to whet their appetite about renewable energy.

Download release here


July 12, 2018

BJCE Australia announced as a finalist in the 2018 Clean Energy Council Awards.

Gullen Range Wind Farm has been announced as a finalist for our Clean Energy Program (CLEP) in the Business Community Engagement Award category. The Clean Energy Council Awards recognise excellence in the clean energy sector.


July 4, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm provides crucial funding to seven local projects.

Today, Gullen Range Wind Farm announced the seven local projects, which will be receiving funding from the 2018/2019 Community Enhancement Fund. The seven community organisations will share in $70,905 to help benefit the community.

Community Fund Media Release


June 19, 2018

Clean Energy Program Stage 2

Applications for the next Clean Energy Program Stage 2 Funding Round will close on Friday,  22nd June. The Clean Energy Program provides grants towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. If your property is within 5km of the wind farm, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to install solar panels, solar hot water, wall insulation or double glazed windows on your house. To find out more, click here or contact us


June 8, 2018

Wind and Solar Farm Tours At Gullen Solar Farm

Located in NSW’s scenic Southern Tablelands, Gullen Range Wind Farm and Gullen Solar Farm offer free regular tours of Australia’s first co-located wind and solar farm. With a minibus pick-up, light refreshments and a quiz and colouring-in competition for children, the two-hour tour offers an informative and insightful look at an operational wind and solar farm.



June 5, 2018

Nest boxes prove vital at Gullen Range Wind Farm

BJCE Australia has actively been safe guarding the future of the natural habitat at Gullen Range Wind Farm with their nest boxes.

May 31, 2018

NSW Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices Committee visit Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.

The New South Wales Legislative Council Select Committee on Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices visited Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm as part of their ongoing inquiry.

Media Release – NSW Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices Committee to Travel Throughout the State


May 23, 2018

May Wind Farm Tour a success

Guests were recently treated to a personalised tour of the Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm.


May 23, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund Program receives an outstanding number of grant applications.

Over ten applications were submitted to this years Community Fund Program. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm.


May 21, 2018

Colouring-in Competition now open!

We are running a colouring-in competition for pre-schoolers, infants (K-2) and primary (3-6). Taking part is easy! The sheet will be available at the tours and you can also download it here.


May 03, 2018

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 7th March 2018 Minutes


April 16, 2018

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements
Please note that Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance involving cranes and trucks. From 23rd April to 28th April, a crane will be delivered to site consisting of approximately twenty semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road and Range Road to the Bannister group of wind turbines.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


March 13, 2018

Does your community group need new equipment or funding for a much needed project?
The Gullen Range Wind Farm FREE Grant Writing Workshop gives your community all the information you need to access important funding.

Get information from experienced grant writers about the skills, tips and techniques that will help your local community organisation submit grant applications to a variety of providers, with the best chance of being successful.

This workshop will help you get started finding grants, making sense of complex jargon, identifying the requirements of an application and more!

Register here:


March 9, 2018

There is no better way to learn about renewable energy than to take a half-day guided tour at Australia’s first co-located wind and solar farm at Gullen Range. Local Rotarians from Goulburn were treated to a private tour and a close-up look at one of the 73 turbines.

Media release – Argyle Rotary Club visits Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm


March 7, 2018

Thanks to everyone who entered our colouring competition and congratulations to our three awesome winners Nathaniel, Sienna and William who will each receive a $40 Target voucher!

It’s very exciting to have received all your amazing entries. Keep a look out for the next colouring-in competition. BJCE would like to thank all participants and congratulates all winners.


February 28, 2018

We welcomed the NSW Minister for Energy and Utilities, Hon. Don Harwin, on a guided tour of our co-located wind and solar farm today. To find out more, please click on the media release below:

Media release – Energy Minister admires co-located solar and wind farm during Gullen Range visit


February 27, 2018

Gullen Range Wind Farm was very proud to sponsor the 2018 Goulburn Railway Bowling Club’s Rose Bowls Tournament. You can find out more about the successful Rose Bowl in the Goulburn Post articles below:

Goulburn Railway Women’s Rose Bowl article

Goulburn Railway Men’s Rose Bowl article

Simon Zhao presenting the prizes



February 15, 2018

Applications are now open for the 2018/2019 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Funding Round. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. For this year’s round of funding, approximately $70,000 has been made available to the Community Fund.

To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, click here.



February 14, 2018


February 01, 2018

We officially launched Australia’s first co-located wind and solar farm today. Weiwei Shi, General Manager of BJCE Australia said, “This is a historic moment for clean energy in Australia. Gullen Solar Farm is an important demonstration project -right at the forefront of renewable energy integration technology. It proves the advantages of co-locating energy infrastructure, which effectively minimises costs and environmental impacts. Together with our 73-turbine wind farm, the combined facility can power more than 70,000 average homes”.  To find out more, please click on the media release below:

Media release – Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (BJCE) launch Australia’s First Co-located Wind and Solar Farm 


Photos of the Launch


Special Guest: Ms Hongbo Wang , Economic and Commercial Councillor of the Consulate General of People’s Republic of China


Special Guest: Mayor of Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Brian McCormack

BJCE and Goldwind Australia representatives

Guests on a solar farm walking tour


January 31, 2018

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 13th December 2017 Minutes


January 30, 2018

During 2017, on an average day of wind, Gullen Range Wind Farm produced enough energy to power 70,667 homes! This number is calculated by taking the average daily output of the wind farm over the year and comparing it to the daily average consumption of electricity by a typical home.*

* Based on 18kWh per house sourced from using inputs of: 2580 postcode, 3 people per house, no pool, no gas


December 19, 2017

According to the Australian Energy Market Commision (AEMC), electricity prices are forecast to fall over the next two years as more renewable generation, such as wind and solar, comes online. Find out more about the AEMC’s report by clicking here.


December 13, 2017

We’ve installed 30 nest boxes in an area set aside for habitat conservation on the wind farm called the Compensatory Habitat Package area. Although nest boxes are not the same as natural tree hollows, they can still be an essential substitute for many animal species that rely on tree hollows for nesting and shelter. Did you know that in Australia, it is estimated that 303 native vertebrate species use hollows! These species include 83 mammals, 114 birds, 79 reptiles and 27 amphibians (Gibbons and Lindenmayer, 2002). Read more about our nest boxes and the work we are doing to improve the conservation value of our Compensatory Habitat Package area in the media release below. This 123-hectare area, equivalent to more than 123 football fields, is a requirement of the wind farm’s project approval to make up for the 35 hectares of land impacted by the construction of the wind farm.

Media release – Creating homes for wildlife on Gullen Range Wind Farm

Nest box at the wind farm


December 11, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm was very proud to sponsor both the Crookwell Men’s Services Bowling Club’s Annual Triples Tournament and the Crookwell Services Women’s Bowling Club’s District Fours Tournament. You can find out more about the Annual Triples Tournament in the Crookwell Gazette’s article here.

Annual Triples Tournament

Annual Triples Tournament


December 05, 2017

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm were excited to recently host twenty students from Goulburn High School. During their tour of Australia’s first hybrid wind and solar farm, the students also had the opportunity to explore inside the base of one of our wind turbines and see 42,000 solar panels up close! The pupils were really engaged and asked our engineers some great questions.


November 22, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm’s Isabel Nelson and Simon Zhao were honoured to join the official opening ceremony for the newly installed accessibility ramp at Pat Cullen Reserve in Crookwell. The accessibility ramp received a Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grant of $16,065.95 towards the project. The ramp was also funded by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council, the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program and Kiamma Creek Landcare. To find out more, you can read the article in the Crookwell Gazette by clicking here.

You can find out more about the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grants here.


November 21, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm recently donated $1750 worth of educational equipment to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program that commenced this year at Crookwell High School. Rebecca Dark, a STEM teacher at Crookwell High School said, “It’s powerful for students to learn STEM based concepts, directly relate them to real world applications and to also work with local and international businesses, as happened with our project with Gullen Range Wind Farm”. To find out more, please click on our media release below.

Media release – Gullen Range Wind Farm donates educational equipment to Crookwell High School


November 03, 2017

Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Australia) Holding Pty Ltd (BJCE Australia) has successfully completed its acquisition of the proposed 31 turbine Biala Wind Farm.

Media release – Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy expands portfolio with purchase of Biala Wind Farm


October 30, 2017

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link here.


October 25, 2017

The next Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm tour will take place on Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 (advance bookings essential).

The tours are a great opportunity for the community to visit Australia’s first hybrid wind and solar farm, which is located along SERREE‘s (South East Region of Renewable Energy Excellence) Renewable Energy Trail.

Come and see how a wind and solar farm works. Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array. Find out more about renewable energy.

The tours will feature:

  • A minibus tour of Gullen Range Wind Farm
  • A minibus tour of Gullen Solar Farm
  • Complimentary light refreshments and a mini information display at the Crookwell Hotel Motel
  • A tour quiz for children

We are also running a colouring-in competition for pre-schoolers, infants (K-2) and primary (3-6). Taking part is easy! The sheet will be available at the tours and you can also download it here.

For more information and to make a booking, click here.

Media release – Minibus Tours to Shine a Light on Australia’s First Hybrid Wind and Solar Farm


October 03, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm and Gullen Solar Farm are excited to announce the launch of their Wind and Solar Farm Tours. The first tour will take place on Tuesday, 24th October at 11.30am (advance bookings essential). The tours are a great opportunity for the community to visit Australia’s first hybrid wind and solar farm, which is located along SERREE‘s (South East Region of Renewable Energy Excellence) Renewable Energy Trail.

Come and see how a wind and solar farm works. Get up close to a wind turbine and a solar array. Find out more about renewable energy.

The tours will feature:

  • A minibus tour of Gullen Range Wind Farm
  • A minibus tour of Gullen Solar Farm
  • Complimentary light refreshments and a mini information display at the Crookwell Hotel Motel
  • A tour quiz for children

We are also running a colouring-in competition for pre-schoolers, infants (K-2) and primary (3-6). Taking part is easy! The sheet will be available at the tours and you can also download it here.

For more information and to make a booking, click here.

Media release – Minibus Tours to Shine a Light on Australia’s First Hybrid Wind and Solar Farm


October 01, 2017

The Crookwell Progress Association has ordered 1000 reusable shopping bags in a bid to say ‘no’ to plastic bags thanks to a Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grant. The red bags will be given out to shoppers before Christmas. For more information, please click here.

You can find out more about the Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund grants here.


September 06, 2017

Thirty nest boxes have been installed on trees located on land set aside for habitat conservation on the wind farm. This protected land is called the Compensatory Habitat Package area (or CHP) and it covers approximately 123 hectares, that’s the equivalent of approximately 123 football fields! During construction, 35 hectares of land was cleared to install roads, hardstandings and turbine foundations. In order to make up for the 35ha affected, we have committed to improving the conservation value of the 123ha CHP area through active management for the lifetime of the wind farm under our Property Vegetation Plan (or PVP). So we’ve been very busy doing just that! We’ve been planting trees, installing nest boxes, seeding for native grasses and controlling weeds and pests.

Check out one of our newly installed nest boxes below. The nest boxes come in different designs to suit a variety of animals, such as birds, gliders and bats. Watch this space, as we hope to let you know which animals have moved in soon!

Nest box at the wind farm

Nest box at the wind farm


August 24, 2017

Our Asset Manager, Derek Powell, recently gave a talk about our wind farm’s Clean Energy Program (or CLEP) at the 2017 Australian Clean Energy Summit. Organised by the Clean Energy Council, the Summit is the premier conference for renewable energy in Australia.

The Clean Energy Program provides financial contributions towards implementing clean energy improvements in the community. Eligible residents can receive grants of around $6500 to install energy efficiency improvements like solar panels, solar hot water, insulation or double glazed windows.

To find out more, you can download a CLEP brochure here or check out our CLEP page here, which provides comprehensive information about the Program, as well as the application forms. You are also welcome to contact us about the Program.

Derek Powell talking about the CLEP at the 2017 Australian Clean Energy Summit

Derek Powell talking about the CLEP at the 2017 Australian Clean Energy Summit


August 8th, 2017

Updated Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Gullen Range Wind Farm will be performing maintenance on one of the turbines north of Bannister commencing Thursday, 27th July. The duration of the works has been extended due to wind conditions, with work now expected to be completed prior to 24th August. From 27th July to 24th August, a crane will be delivered to site, consisting of approximately twenty semi-trailer deliveries . Oversized deliveries will also occur during this period of time. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road and Range Road towards Grabben Gullen.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


July 26th, 2017

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Gullen Range Wind Farm will be performing maintenance on one of the turbines north of Bannister commencing Thursday, 27th July. The works will be of two weeks duration. From 27th July to 10th August, a crane will be delivered to site, consisting of approximately twenty semi-trailer deliveries . Oversized deliveries will also occur during this period of time. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road and Range Road towards Grabben Gullen.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


July 25th, 2017

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 28th June 2017 Minutes


July 6th, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm is happy to announce that six community groups have received grants together totalling $74,185.95 in the 2017/2018 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Fund funding round. Upper Lachlan Shire Mayor Brian McCormack commented, “It is wonderful to see so many local community groups benefit from this funding”. Details of the grant recipients can be found here.


June 12th, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm and Gullen Solar Farm were excited to recently host forty Year 8 students from Crookwell High School. The students were given a mini tour of both the wind farm and solar farm. They had an opportunity to see inside a wind turbine, get up close to a solar panel array and learn about wind and solar energy. With the wind blowing and the sun shining, it was a perfect day to explain to the students how co-located wind and solar plants can work very well together. The photo below shows the students standing next to one of our wind turbines.

Media release – Crookwell High School Students energised by Visit to Australia’s First Hybrid Wind and Solar farm


June 5th, 2017

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 3rd May 2017 Minutes


May 2nd, 2017

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Please note that Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance involving cranes. From 3rd May to 5th May, a crane will be delivered to site consisting of approximately twenty semi-trailer deliveries. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along the Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road, Range Road, Bannister Lane and Storriers Lane to Bannister.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


April 2nd, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm has updated its Out of Hours Works Policy. It describes the procedure that will be followed if certain types of maintenance works, such as the use of a crane, need to be performed outside of normal hours. You can download it here.


April 2nd, 2017

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Gullen Range Wind Farm will be performing maintenance on one of the turbines north of Bannister commencing Tuesday, 4th April. The works will be of three weeks duration. From 4th April to 7th April, a crane will be delivered to site, consisting of approximately twenty semi-trailer deliveries. Oversize deliveries will also occur in the week commencing 10th April. These deliveries will follow the approved delivery route from Goulburn along Crookwell Road to Crookwell and then Kialla Road and Range Road towards Grabben Gullen.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please monitor our website for further updates.


March 30th, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm is happy to announce that its Community Fund grant has been used to successively upgrade Grabben Gullen Community Hall. You can read more about the impressive hall upgrades in the Crookwell Gazette’s article below:

Grabben Gullen Community Hall Upgrades

If you would like to find out more about our Community Fund grants, click here.


March 25th, 2017

Breadalbane Community Hall Committee were recently able to purchase a community mower with the funds from both the Gullen Range Wind Farm ($4500.00) and the Australian Government’s Volunteer Grants Initiative. The Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s Mayor, Brian McCormack commented on the grants saying, “Grants such as these assist groups like the Breadalbane Hall Committee to carry out their important work in the community”. You can read more about the community mower in the Crookwell Gazette’s article below:

Breadalbane Community Hall Committee’s community mower

If you would like to find out more about our Community Fund grants, click here.


March 24th, 2017

Applications are now open for the 2017/2018 Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Funding Round. The Community Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 10km of the wind farm. For this year’s round of funding, approximately $70,000 has been made available to the Community Fund. To find out more about the Community Fund and how to apply, click here.


March 24th, 2017

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 2nd March 2017 Minutes


March 9th, 2017

Gullen Range Wind Farm recently sponsored the 2017 Rose Bowls Tournament at Goulburn’s Railway Bowling Club. This competition attracted more than 170 bowlers and was a great success. We are very proud to be part of this local event and will also be a sponsor in 2018. You can read more about the Rose Bowls Tournament by clicking on the link to the Goulburn Post’s article below:

2017 Rose Bowls Tournament


March 6th, 2017

You can download the latest CCC Meeting Minutes on the link below:

CCC Meeting: 23rd November 2016 Minutes


February 23, 2017

We are excited to announce that Gullen Range Wind Farm produced enough energy in 2016 to power 79,966 homes! This number is calculated by taking the average daily output of the wind farm over the year and comparing it to the daily average consumption of electricity by a typical home.*

* Based on 18kWh per house sourced from using inputs of: 2580 postcode, 3 people per house, no pool, no gas


October 31, 2016

Winners of the Community Open Day Colouring-in Competition 2016

Thank you to everyone who has sent us their very impressive colouring-in sheets!

We are happy to announce the winners of the following age categories, who will each receive a $40 gift voucher:

Kindergarten* - Ada Dunn

Kindergarten* – Ada

Infants (1 to 2)

Infants (1 to 2) – Charlie

Primary (3-6) - Mikeely Gray

Primary (3-6) – Mikeely

*Please note that our Preschool age category has been replaced by a Kindergarten age category, as we did not receive any preschool entries.


October 28, 2016

Media Release – Crookwell Primary Schools Blown Away by Visit to Wind Farm

Pupils from Crookwell Public School and St. Mary’s Primary School, Crookwell were energised by their recent visit to Gullen Range Wind Farm, the largest operating wind farm in New South Wales. In total, 73 pupils from both schools were given the opportunity to see how a wind farm operates, experience what it’s like to be up close to a wind turbine and learn more about renewable energy.

We look forward to hosting more school visits in the future. We encourage local schools to get in touch with us about visiting our wind farm. Please read the following announcement below:

Media release – Crookwell Primary Schools Blown Away by Visit to Wind Farm


October 16, 2016

Gullen Range Wind Farm held a Community Open Day on Sunday, 16th October 2016, which was aligned with the Clean Energy Council’s Australia wide wind farm open day. The Open day was a great opportunity for the community to visit the largest operating wind farm in New South Wales.

Visitors were able to see how a wind farm operates, experience what it’s like to get up close to a wind turbine and find out more about wind energy at our Open day.

The family friendly event featured:

  • A mini-tour of the wind farm
  • Children’s activities: facepainting, competitions and craft
  • Information displays about the wind farm in the marquee
  • Crookwell Lion’s Club BBQ
  • Crookwell Public School P&C Refreshments Stall
  • Ice cream van




October 7, 2016

Media Release – Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Open Day 2016

Gullen Range Wind Farm will be holding a Community Open Day from 11am to 3 pm on Sunday, 16th October. The family friendly Open day will be a great opportunity for the community to see how a wind farm operates, experience what it’s like to get up close to a wind turbine and find out more about wind energy at NSW’s largest operating wind farm. Please read the following announcement below:

Media release – Gullen Range Wind Farm Community Open Day 2016


September 27, 2016

We’ve just launched our newly designed website.


September 22, 2016

Community Open Day 2016

Gullen Range Wind Farm is holding a Community Open Day on Sunday, 16th October. The Open Day is a great opportunity to visit the largest operating wind farm in New South Wales. Visitors will be able to see how a wind farm operates, experience what it’s like to get up close to a wind turbine and find out more about wind energy. The Open day will feature a mini-tour of the wind farm, face painting, children’s crafts and competitions, a BBQ and refreshments. You can catch a bus from Crookwell or drive yourself.

For more information about the day, click here.


September 1, 2016

The Clean Energy Program (CLEP) is now fully operational

The Clean Energy Program (CLEP) forms part of the Community Enhancement Program, which can be downloaded here. The CLEP was revised in 2016, following feedback from applicants. The revised CLEP began operation on 1st September 2016.

If you have not already applied for the program yet, then we recommend you get involved. Under Stage 1 of the program, if you are eligible, you will receive an energy audit of your house. Under Stage 2 of the program, eligible residents will be able to apply for a grant of approximately $6500 to make energy efficiency improvements to their house. This might include installation of a solar hot water service, a solar PV system, wall insulation or better insulated windows.

For more information about CLEP, please click here.


August 16, 2016

Notification to Residents – Maintenance Works and Associated Traffic Movements

Please note Gullen Range Wind Farm is carrying out maintenance works involving cranes between Monday, 16th August and Friday, 30th September. The works will require a number of traffic movements on local roads. The traffic movements associated with the works are outlined below, however, please note that dates are indicative only. Please refer to for up to date information.

  • Movement of mobile cranes from the Hume Highway to the Bannister area of the site via Crookwell and Kialla Road. This will consist of 15-20 large roads and is expected between 19th and 23rd August.
  • Movement of mobile cranes from Bannister to Pomeroy. The date for this movement has not been fixed.
  • Potential delivery of three wind turbine blades in early September. Further notice will be provided regarding these movements over the next two weeks.
  • General increase in light vehicle movement during the period of works.

We aim to minimise disruption to local traffic and maximise safety to all road users during these works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Any oversized loads will avoid travelling between 7.30am and 9am on local roads wherever possible. Further updates on the delivery schedule will be made on the GRWF website: For further information, please call 1800 509 711 or email [email protected]