Gullen Range Wind Farm

Gullen Range Wind Farm is an operational wind farm in the Southern Tablelands of NSW, Australia. It is owned by New Gullen Range Wind Farm Pty Ltd (NGRWF). The wind farm consists of 73 turbines and produces 165.5MW of renewable power in ideal wind conditions.

On an average day it produces enough energy to power in excess of 70,000 average homes. By the end of 2022, Gullen Range Wind Farm had saved 3 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional power generation.

Stretching from north to south, the wind farm measures 22km, approximately centred on the locality of Bannister, 11km South of Crookwell and 32km north west of Goulburn.

BJCE Australia is proud to be a founding signatory of the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter for Renewable Energy Developments. The charter is a voluntary set of commitments to reflect our promise to develop and operate projects in a socially responsible way. The charter can be downloaded here.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like further information, or if you would like to provide feedback or lodge a complaint about the wind farm.


The latest wind farm news is below. You can view archive news here and download our newsletters here.


News Item: 18/03/2025: Welcoming visitors to Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm  

The Gullen Range Wind Farm team recently had the privilege of hosting the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mayor and Councillors for a tour of our wind and solar farm. The Mayor and Councillors were provided with an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the scale of the turbines and how this technology is transforming our energy landscape. As part of the tour, we provided information on the wind and solar farm’s construction and day-to-day operation and provided the opportunity to step inside the base of a turbine. The group then travelled to Gullen Solar Farm to see how the existing infrastructure was used to expand our clean energy operations and create Australia’s first co-located solar farm. 


The following day, the team had the pleasure of welcoming 18 visitors to the wind and solar farm for our first public tour of the year. All of the guests were eager to learn more about renewable energy, including a number of children whose curiosity and insightful questions about how the turbines work and their impact on the environment were greatly appreciated. The group were also able to see a wind turbine up close, as well as take a look at our solar farm. It was inspiring to see their enthusiasm. The engagement reinforced the importance of educating future generations on the benefits of clean energy and how projects like Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm can benefit not only the local community but wider society. 

It was a great way to start 2025, with two energetic, highly engaged tours. The team is looking forward to hosting more public tours over the course of the year as we aim to demonstrate the potential of renewable energy in action to a wide audience. If you’re interested in joining a public tour, please keep an eye on our website for more information and for updates as dates are locked in. If you would like to be added to our tour waitlist, please email us at [email protected]  



News Item: 26/02/2025: A rolling good time at Goulburn Rose Tournament Triples competition

The annual Rose Tournament Men’s and Women’s Triples competition was recently hosted by the Goulburn Bowling Club, with Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm once again proudly supporting the event.

Welcoming teams from across the state, the Rose Tournament has become a fixture in the local lawn bowls community calendar, with over $4,000 in prize money up for grabs.

Games are played across two days each for the men’s and women’s tournaments, culminating with presentation ceremonies that were attended by wind and solar farm Site Manager, Andrew Sinclair.

It was wonderful to see another great turn out at this year’s tournament. We congratulate all of the teams who walked away with a win this year, and we look forward to further supporting this fantastic local event in the years to come.

Above: Site Manager Andrew Sinclair with the men’s and women’s Rose Tournament winners


News Item: 19/02/2025: Clean Energy Program now accepting multiple applications for eligible properties

Gullen Range Wind Farm’s popular Clean Energy Program (CLEP) is now accepting multiple applications for eligible properties, following a review of the Program at the end of 2024.

Under the guidelines for the CLEP, the rule around multiple applications per eligible property was to be reviewed every two years. To ensure that the full value of the CLEP is provided to local residents, a decision was made to open up to multiple applications to allow eligible residents to make further energy efficiency improvements to their property.

As part of its annual update, the target allocation value, or grant value, was also updated in alignment with CPI to $8,370 per grant in Year 11 of the Program (2025).

The CLEP was introduced in 2016 as part of the wind farm’s Community Enhancement Program, providing financial contributions towards clean energy improvements to properties within 5km of the wind farm. To date, more than 90 properties have been approved for Stage 2 funding under the Program.

Community Relations Manager, Erin Fletcher said that the Program was just one of the ways the company sought to share the benefits of the wind farm with residents.

“Our Clean Energy Program has been very popular since its introduction in 2016, and we’ve been proud to provide funding that has helped to make tangible energy efficiency improvements to properties near to the wind farm.

“The program has also provided residents with information on ways that they can make changes to their property to make their homes more energy efficient through Stage 1 of the program which arranges for an energy audit of the property.

“This has empowered residents to make updates to their property and energy usage to help not only reduce costs but to maximise the energy efficiency of their home or business.

“We look forward to further assisting residents with the introduction of multiple applications.”

Applications for the latest round of Stage 2 CLEP funding are now being accepted, with the round closing on 22 March 2025.

More information on the CLEP can be found here. Full guidelines around the Program, including eligibility requirements and assessment procedure can be found here.

Should you have any questions about the Program or require assistance with an application, please contact us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 509 711.


News Item: 12/02/2025: Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm proud to support the Crookwell Show for another year

During a weekend of unpredictable weather, representatives from Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm attended the annual Crookwell Show on 8-9 February. Celebrating its 146th year, the Show is a fantastic event offering locals and visitors the chance to enjoy a true country show with sheep and cattle judging, wood chop competitions and music amongst other family-friendly activities.

Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm has been attending the show for several years, sponsoring a facepainting stall that always proves popular with the kids. This year, the wind and solar farm took gold coin donations for the Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre, with all funds raised being dollar matched by the company. This meant that an impressive $600 will be donated to this essential local service, which provides social support and children’s services.

Community Relations Manager, Erin Fletcher, said that this year’s event provided a good opportunity to talk about renewable energy with visitors.

“The Crookwell Show is something that our team look forward to each year, and it once again provided a chance for us to chat with locals and visitors to the region about renewable energy. It also gave us the opportunity to answer questions about Gullen Range Wind Farm’s community benefit programs, such as the Clean Energy Program.

“Of course, the face painting is always popular with families, and it was wonderful to see so many kids excited to get into the show spirit. We’re proud that we’ve been able to raise funds for the Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre to support their great work.”


News Item: 11/02/2025: Date for next public tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm announced

We are pleased to announce that the next public tour of Gullen Range Wind and Solar Farm will take place on Wednesday, 12th of March 2025.

This is a great chance to learn more about renewable energy and to see an operational wind and solar farm up close. More information on our tours can be found here.

To make a booking, please visit here.


News Item: 20/12/2024: December Community Newsletter

The December edition of our community newsletter is now available for download here.


News Item: 10/12/2024: Next CCC meeting date announced

The next CCC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 09 April 2025, from 4 pm. For more information click here.